Chapter 10

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I ran through my apartment looking for my something. I had my hair in a messy bun, face mask on a rob I was going crazy.

I haven't been on a date in a long ass time. I needed help but I didn't have the girls I haven't spoken to since that night.

I ran to my phone it was 7:00. "Fuck already," I ran to the shower and turned it on I jumped into the shower and washed off my face make, washed my body and hair.

I even shaved my entire body, I got out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my body. I started curling my hair, then did my makeup.

It was 7:34 lord. I ran to my clothes I hated the dress. I chose another dress and put it on around 7:40 I got into my car and put on the GPS to his house.

I pulled up to a giant ass house. A white single-family home mansion. It was giant the gate just opened I just drove in I saw over fucking 5 cars outside.

Why do you need 6 cars 3 Bentleys and 2 Lamborghinis and the one SUV he's always in.

I parked behind all the cars and texted him.

Me: Hey I'm outside
Santiago: Just park and go through the house to the back door and walk out.

Ok... I got out of the car and twisted the front doorknob open slowly. It was huge with a large staircase, white plain walls, and marble floors.

I looked at a door it was all glass it looked like the backyard, I closed the front door and walked through the house to the glass door. This house was amazing.

I opened the door and left my hands on my waist I jumped a little I turned to see "Santiago," I yelled he laughed.

"Your gorgeous," I smiled "Thank you." He looked amazing his hair was perfect like always. He had a suit on he looked so good.

His cologne smelt amazing. "You look good yourself." "Close your eyes," he whispered. I looked at him confused "ok," I whispered closing my eyes.

He turned me around and stood next to me his arm around my torso helping me downstairs. I was almost going to fall, he caught me. "Sorry," he laughed. "It's not funny," I hit his arm. He laughed helping me downstairs.

"Please tell me theirs no more stairs," I said, "there's a nun," he said. "Thank god," he laughed and we walked more.

"Open," he whispered I opened slowly I gasped. "It's so pretty," a candlelit dinner with candles on the table a small cake, flowers, glasses. "You like it?" He asked.

I turned to him and smiled I hugged him. "It's amazing I love it," he laughed wrapping his arms around my small torso.

"I'm glad you like it," we pulled away. "Here sit," he walked to the chair pulling it away from the table I sat down he pushed the chair in.

"I'll be back with the food," I nodded he walked up the stair and into the house.

No one has ever done anything this big and beautiful for me. No one has put this much thought into it. And he has food like fucking food.

He walked out with two plates and put one in front of me and front of the empty chair he sat down.

I looked down at the plate my favorite food ever. How did he know... I looked up at him. "What's wrong you don't like it we can just get pizza," he panicked.

"Oh my god no I love this, this is my favorite food," he looked so relieved. "How did you know?" I asked. He lean in his chair. "I didn't I just made my favorite food."

My eyes widen "No way." He nodded smiling. His dimples. "Your cute." His smile grew even wider. I smiled "What don't act like you haven't heard it a lot."

"I do but I haven't heard it from you," He asked. "So what it's off your bucket list," I laughed. He laughed "Actually yes."

He's so cute, we started to eat. Arroz con gandules, tostones. [Rice and fried banana]
"So," I said he looked up at me from his plate.
"Basic questions," I said he nodded. "Favorite color?" I asked.

"Red. What's yours?" "Pink" "basic," he said I scoffed playfully. "Yours is basic," he shrugged.

"I already know your favorite food so what's a hobby you like to do?" He asked. "I like to I don't know," I said. "What do you like to do for fun?"

"Dance," I said. "In my underwear," I added he laughed. "Fun." "Ok that was embarrassing," he laughed "It wasn't I think it's cute."

I smiled my cheeks were light pink. "What's your favorite hobby?" I asked. "Singing that's all I do," he shrugged. "I like your voice is amazing," I added.

"Thank you," he said, I know that was a compliment he always got but it was beautiful. His voice was smooth soft and peaceful.

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