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Valentina pov:

"Her name is aurora" I say making the boys smile even wider than before

"Love I'm going to get some food do you want something" armondo asks me kissing my lips deeply

"Damn already dad chill she just had a baby" Felix says pushing his dad back

"I kissed her I didn't do anything , why do you guys always think I have bad intentions behind everything I do " armondo says smirking, making me laugh.

"Wow dad" Felix says shaking his head

"I want umm I'm not sure anything"
I say yawning
"Boys watch your sister and your mom, love get some sleep please" armondo says looking at me waiting for me to tell him I'll do what he says

"Armondo-" I start but I'm cut off by him interrupting

"I'm not repeating myself , I'll be back I love you" he says kissing my lips

Armondo is so sweet sometimes then sometimes he makes you just want to stab him multiple times not enough to kill Him just enough to hurt him badly :)

And when hes in his little moods He doesn't smile , laugh , or anything and my boys are the exact same way.

"Ok love you to" I say as he walks out

"alright mom , if he walks in here and your awake still, I'll get yelled at so ,night night" Felix says taking baby girl from me.

I close my eyes listening to my kids giggle at their little sister and I let darkness take over

I was woken up by babygirl crying
I sit up quickly to see what happened

"Amore calm down shes ok, she's just hungry I think" armondo says calming me down

"Ok, boys step out please" I say not because I'm uncomfortable around them but until I get her latched I just wanted them to stand outside

"What why" Alex says , I'm not suprised non of them wanted to leave her

"Boys out now" armondo says sternly

"Yea.... No" emillio says sitting back down causing me to laugh

"Emillio I will choke you out and carry your unconscious body out if I have to" armondo says causing me to hit his arm because it was the only thing I could reach because he was laying beside me on the bed

"Don't threaten my babies" I say laughing

"Don't tell me what to do" armondo whispers in my ear making me shiver

Damnit this man can do whatever he wants to me and I would mindlessly follow he's so fucking annoying ughh

"OUT" armondo shouts making the boys walk out slowly while groaning

I pull down my gown and get baby girl latched and she starts feeding

After about 30 minutes of feeding she lets go and I pull my gown back up

"Armondoooo" I say tapping him

"Yes love" he replies with his hot sleepy voice

Making me look up at him , and I realize how sexy he really is

No way I can have sex anytime soon but , nothing is stopping me from teasing him ;)

"You are so hot " I say smirking at him

"Love , you just had a baby , don't start this, please" he says looking over at babygirl

"Ugh your no fun" I say rolling my eyes

"If I didn't mind ripping everyday stitch you had and hurting you , I would take you right now but i don't want to hurt you so if I were you I would stop teasing me my patience only goes so far" he whispers in my ear

I can't be horny right now no fucking way

"I'll go get the boys" he says standing up as if he didn't just say what I know he said

About 6 minutes later I here the door open and 4 boys walk in looking exhausted

All four of my children walk in and lay on the couch and some on the floor

"I told them to go home but , they didn't want to leave you or babygirl" armondo says looks exhausted as well

"Why don't you go home" I ask already knowing he just doesn't want to leave babygirl

"I'm not leaving you or my new princess"
He says making me smile , because that is so fucking cute

I end up falling asleep against armondo
I'm going to be updating again tonight because I didn't update by 5:30 which is what I like to do so I owe you guys an extra chapter ❤️

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