could be anything honestly

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valentinas pov

we were driving  when my babygirl decided to make herself known by screaming

"what is it baby girl" i ask trying to soothe her

"i think shes hungry" i say unbuckling her

"i wish i had boobs" emillio says as i  get babygirl to start suckling

"emillio what the hell" armondo says making me laugh

"imagine someone being able to eat off of you that sounds so cool" he says going back on this phone

"emillio you were first born so the stupid things you say doesnt suprise me" armndos mom says making me laugh

"mom your supposed to defend me i could have told her about the time i walked in on you and dad fucking like horny teenagers but i kept that to myself ive been fighting this trauma alone and you cant even defend me" emillio says making me stare at him with wide eyes

"i told you we should have made them sleep in seperate rooms" my mom says to armondos mom

"honestly i thought we could trust them" armondos mom says sighing

"that was like 13 years ago" armondo says laughing

"13 years but its still scarred my baby" my mom says making Emillio cringe but smile

"Felix walked in on them to nanna" emillio says laughing

oh wow i have never been so scared in my life.

"yea i kept that to myself though" felix said laughing

"everything we do for you and your guys are finding pleasure in getting us in trouble" armondo says

"well we arent the only ones finding plesure iykyk" alex says making all my sons laugh

"valentina and armondo knight let me hear about one of my babies walking in on ANYTHING else and you will die" armondos mom says and my mom nods in agreement

"yes ma'am" i say to you know be respectful

but armondo has different plans

"thats a little dramatic" armondo says looking at his phone

"theyre not idiots , closed door dont enter" armondo says

"i was like 5" emillio says laughing

"ok but you walked in and what did we do ?? we didnt keep going we got up changed the fucking bedsheets you know how hard it is to change the bedsheets on that bed , just so you could stay and sleep in there" armondo says making me laugh

babygirl had stopped suckling so i put her back into her carseat and she woke back up

"hey babygirl long time no see" emillio says playing with her hand

"why the fuck is her hand wet" he says

"honestly it could be anything" i say laughing

"it really could be when valentina was a baby she would-" my mom starts but quickly cut her off

"we dont need a valentina documentary momma" i say smiling making her roll her eyes

i take out a wipe to wipe off baby girls hand

"what is it , like whats on her hand" felix says

omg why does it matter

"i dont know it could be sweat, spit, milk" i say laughing she puts her hands everywhere it could anything

"just lick your hand emillio then you'll Definity know" armondo says smriking at me

"no she puts her hands everywhere and on everything not taking that risk" emillio says

"can you wipe  my hand off" he asks and i reach down and pull ouut another wipe

as i was about to wipe emillios hand i see baby girl chewing on an airpod case

where the fuck did she get that i was just watching her

"no aurora" i say pulling the case from her mouth

"whos is this"i say as aurora is screming because i took her oh so precious airpod case

"Babygirl calm down" armondo says tickling her stomach making her laugh

"its felixs" alex says

"Felix why does she have these"i say handing them back to him

"she was just playing with top i didn't know she would put put in her mouth"

he says and i just roll my eyes

"balallalaalaalalala" aurora babbles  and i repeat after her and she giggles

"your so cute love" i hear armondo say  and i look up to find him looking at me

"thank you" i say meaning

"soooo great-grandchildren" i hear my mom s

yes, not anytime soon though" emillio  says making my and armondos mom smile

"personally i think im a little to young for children" alex says

"i have a dog thats all i need right now" felix says laughing

"we should aurora a dog" felix says smiling

"we should" i say smiling at armondo

"please love" i say to armondo

"beg for it" he says making me roll my eyes

"beg for it and ill say yes , dont beg and its a no" he says

"mom what are you waiting for BEG" emillio says making me laugh

"please please please armondo let us get aurora a puppy ill give you anything you want and this is the last puppy ill ask you for" i say smiling

im a very good begger when you have 4 children constantly begging for shit you learn what works and what doesnt

"did you say you would give me anything i wanted" he says smirking

"to an extent its gotta be pg-13" i say laughing

"whats the fun in that" he says getting back on his phone

"so yes or no i begged for it" i say sounding sad

"yea, i was gonna let you get it anyway but i just wanted to hear you beg for it" he says and the boys ignore him and start looking for aurora a dog

"where did i go wrong at" armondos mom asks my mom

"we both went wrong somewhere" my mom responds



wow its been a min since i updated

well yea

love you guys <3

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