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After we all played with aurora and got ready for bed me and armondo went to our room

We got into bed and Armondo was spooning me

I was fine with it until I felt his hand on my inner thigh

"No" I said hitting his hand

"I didn't even do anything" he said whining like a child

"Can I please put my hand there I won't do anything" he asks kissing my neck

"Mhm" and he proceeded to do what he just asked

We stayed like this and he didn't try anything

Soon the darkness overtook me and I dozed off

Once again I was awoken by loud yelling

Did I not tell the boys to try and be good while we were here

Armondo had me in a tight grip and like Always I struggled to get out

Once again accedentally grinding on him and making him hard


"Deal with that , I'll be back" I say as I finally get loose and stepping out of bed

"You caused it, you deal with it" he says being his usually moody self

I didn't have time for this

Armondo gets days where he would rather act like a bitch rather than a husband and dad !!

I walked out of the room and to where the commotion was

Deja vu

I walked into emillios room expecting him to be fighting with his brothers

But he was awake with a pillow over his face and his brother were fighting IN HIS ROOM

"WHAT IS HAPPENING" I yell causing them to stop

"Thank god can you tell these fucking idiots to get the hell out of my room" Emillio says making his brothers look at him with an offended look

"I don't care the reason actually, get cleaned up and go downstairs" I say pointing at the mess

I walked back to my room and found armondo sitting against the headboard

"You on your period babe" I say causing him to laugh

Uhhh I love his laugh so much

He didn't say anything so I climbed onto the end and sat on his lap

"Am I going to get the silent treatment today" I say laughing making him smile

"Maybe" he says hugging me

"Why what did I do" I ask looking over at baby girl who is sleeping

"You made me hard and then told ME to deal with it" he says making me erupt into a laugh

He actually thinks I did that on purpose lol

"Well seems like you delt with it pretty well" I say looking down

"No actually I didn't" he says lifting me off of him

I stand up and make my way to the shower

"What are you doing" armondo asks making me turn around

"Taking a shower" I say in a duh tone

"Can I join" he asks to which I nod
After a long long shower

I promise we didn't do anything but we just take long showers ;)

We stepped out and I started getting dressed so did armondo

Once we were finished we walked downstairs

When we reached the kitchen we saw two very angry moms and a grin on the boys faces

"Where have you two been" armondo mom yells at us

"I said be down here at 8:00 , it is 8:47" my mom shoutes at us

"We were taking a shower" I say laughing and armondo goes over and sits on the couch

"I said no funny business in my house" my mom says making the boys laugh

"We didn't do anything , just a simple shower together" I say laughing while walking towards the breakfast

"Armando we said no funny business" Armando's mom says to him

"I kept my hands to myself mom" Armando says like a teenager who just got caught with a girl in their room for the first time

His mom narrows her eyes at us making us laugh

"Yea they get very freaky grandma I would watch them if I were you" I hear Emillio say making me glare at him

"You two separate rooms tonight" my mom says making me gawk at her
Me and my husband have to sleep in separate rooms

Yea..... no

"Hell no" I say to my mom making her glare at me

"we won't do anything aurora sleeps in my room anyways I wouldn't do that in-front of any of my kids" I say pointing towards aurora who was in Felix's arms

"Um I beg to differ you definitely had sex in-front of me" felix says looking at me

Felix walked in on us one time ONLY ONE it was when he was little it wasn't on purpose

"That was an accident" I say face palming

"It still happened so either opened doors or separated rooms" armondos mom says

Omg this is going to be hell

"How about we will sleep in a room together with the door closed like a normal couple , and you two will chill out on acting like we are horny teens hm?" Armondo says wrapping his arms around me making me want to hit him

"If I find one hint of anything on my beds I will kill you two myself" armondos mom says making armondo look at her with a questioning look

"I was in the mafia to armondo, a lot longer than you have been don't try me" his mom says making everyone laugh
so so so sorry For the late update it's my fault I have no excuse , also I have another book called " A BIRTHDAY WISH" if you like this one you will like that one . Just give it a chance!

-Sincerely lena❤️

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