Chapter 8: Secret revealed

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I stared at the ground as I continued my way down the streets. I could still faintly hear Black yelling out. I continued to ignore it.

Eventually I came across an alleyway. I peeked my head around the corner. Damn. No one was there.

"Well hey there cutie." I heard a voice say behind me. I cringed and looked behind me towards the voice. There was a man looking like he was in his 30s or 40s. He has black hair with a beard, brown eyes. He also wore cloth clothes. There was suddenly a gust of wind. He reeked of alcohol. So he was a creepy drunk. 

"Not interested." I simply said in a cold tone before putting my hands in my pockets once more and started walking away. "Hey now wait now. I-" "I said I'm not interested! Now fuck off before you fucking regret it!" I shouted loudly. I probably drew some attention from others around, but at this point I didn't care. "Oh come onnnnn." he slurred. I couldn't stand it. 

I roughly grabbed the collar of his shirt and roughly dragged him into the alley. "Now that's more like-" 

He was immediately cut off from me shoving him against the wall and roughly bit into him. He was yelling in pain but I didn't care. I only cared about 2 things. Having my fill of blood and letting some steam out thanks to Black and Zamasu. They just made me so damn angry and frustrated. So letting out some steam will do me some good. 

I was so caught up in my anger that I didn't know that there were 2 figures looking in the alley. The only way I realized I was being watched was when I heard gasps. 

I immediately jumped off the man and backed away rapidly. I looked back and who was there and my blood froze right there. 

Black and Zamasu. 

I could only stare at them with wide eyes. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. All I could do was stand there. 

They couldn't do or say anything either by the looks of it. 

They both stared at me in shock, not saying anything. And I stared at them with shock and fear. 

"I.... uhhh... I..." I stuttered after what felt like forever. "You were never a human. Were you?" Zamasu asked after a few seconds. All I could do was shake my head. "And that's why you always wanted to come over to this timeline. To drink mortal blood." Zamasu added, placing his chin between his thumb and forefinger. 

Black and Zamasu looked back at each other, and then back at me. "I must say. I certainly wasn't expecting this from you. But I will make you an offer. You can be free and do as you please IF you help us destroy all humans and fulfill our plan." Black offered. "We will teach you the basics as well such as flying and using energy." Zamasu added. He pointed his hand towards the man who I forgot about. Then there was some sort of blast that came from his hand, killing him instantly. "Like that."  "Fine. You both know my little secret now. So I suppose that there's gonna be no reason for me to hold back anymore anyways." I agreed. Both Black and Zamasu grinned. "Beautiful. We can begin tomorrow morning. I'm going to guess that you don't want to begin this late." Black said. "Damn right I don't want to start now. I don't necessarily need sleep, but I don't exactly want to do it tonight. Especially since my whole purpose of coming out tonight was to let out some anger." I replied, shooting the 2 a small glare. 

To be honest, I don't know how to feel about this whole situation. I thought they would take a lot longer to find out about me. But turns out, I was so far off from what I thought. On one hand, I they know about what I am and I might get treated differently. In the good or the bad way I have no clue. But on the other hand, I don't need to hide anymore. I can be a monster just like them. 

"I.. wanna go home now." I said quietly, not once making eye contact. I was afraid to lok into their eyes after what they just saw. They both nodded their heads and Black wrapped his arm around my waist, lifting off from the ground. I looked below me at the quiet town. But just like usual, in the blink of an eye, it was long gone. For now at least. 

Black flew down until our feet landed on the ground. I just walked off, not once looking back. I'm happy that they know my secret now. But at the same time, I can't help but feel upset and a bit of hatred towards myself for showing myself at the worst time possible. 

I opened the door and walked straight for the living room couch. 

I plopped down and threw the blanket over my entire body. My eyes started getting heavy and before I knew it, I fell into a deep sleep.

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