Chapter 33: Loose ends tie together

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My eyes shot open and I sprung up, cold sweat running down my face.

I felt Black stir beside me before he opened his eyes, sitting up too.

He noticed the panicked look on my face and rubbed my back in circles, trying to comfort me. "Hey. You ok?" he asked. I nodded my head. "Yea. Just had another bad dream again. Except this one somehow felt... different." I said softly, still in slight shock by my dream. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the balcony door. 

It was still dark out, meaning I've only been asleep for a couple hours at most. 

I got up and walked over to the bathroom. I turned the sink on and cupped my hands under the falling water. I splashed my face with the cold water a couple times, trying to both wake myself up and cool off. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Black asked as he leaned against the door frame. I shook my head and turned off the water before looking at him. "Not right now. Maybe later." I replied. 

He leaned off the door frame and made his way towards me. He wrapped his arms around me, bringing my close to his chest. I pressed my head against him, tightly gripping the back of his top. "I hate this. Why does this happen to me?" I asked softly. I felt him softly stoke my hair. "Lets try to get some more rest. I'm sure you're tired." he said. "I'm more confused than tired, but alright." I said. 

We walked back to the bed and got back under the covers. I placed my head on his chest, listening to his soft heartbeat. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. 

A couple minutes later, I felt Blacks breathing steady. He was asleep. I just laid there, wide away and not wanting to go back to bed. 

I slowly and carefully unwrapped myself from his arms and slid away. I walked over to the balcony and closed the glass door behind me. The sounds of crickets and the wind can be heard. 

That's when I felt it again. More on guard now, I looked around, although it was hard to see in the darkness of the night. 

With my inhuman hearing, I could hear Zamasu outside pouring tea. I flew up and flew around the building to where Zamasu was. "Hey Zamasu." I said. He looked up at me startled for a second before relaxing once it was only me. "What are you doing up at this time?" he asked. "I couldn't sleep. Can I have some?" I asked. He nodded and went inside to grab another cup. 

When he came out, he finally got a good look at me. He saw the alarmed look on my face and tilted his head. "You ok?" he asked. I nodded my head, not knowing what else to say. 

I sat down on the chair across from him and sipped the tea. "Hey Zamasu? Can I ask something?" I asked. "What's on your mind?" he asked back, looking at me. "You and Black can feel energies, right? If I remember correctly?" I asked. He nodded. "Why do you ask?" "It's just.. something feels off. It has been since yesterday. I was wondering if you can feel anything right now." I said. He hummed and closed his eyes and tilted his head downwards, placing his chin between his thumb and index finger. He stayed like that for a couple seconds before he opened his eyes and looked at me. He shook his head. "I don't sense anything." he said. I gulped and looked around again, that feeling of being watched never leaving. "You alright Alice? Why do you look so alarmed?" Zamasu asked again. "I've had the feeling of being watched. Still is now." I replied, still frantically looking around. "Are you sure? Because as I said, I can't sense any presences." he reminded. I shook my head. "You're right. It's probably nothing." I said looking back at him. 

We stayed and talked over tea for a couple more minutes before I stood up and stretched. "Thanks a lot for the tea, Zamasu. Sorry for bothering you." I said. He shook his head. "Don't worry about it. You got the reassurance that you needed." he said. 

I was about to say my byes and head back to my room, but I heard Blacks voice. "There you are. I was wondering where you went." I looked up and saw Black flying down to join the group. 

I let out a sigh and decided to explain things since they're both here.

"Perfect. You're here too. I need to tell you both something." I started as I grabbed another cup of tea. I might as well since I'm not going back to bed. Black sat down where I was sitting a couple seconds ago and I remained standing in front of them. I continued. 

"So, as Black already knows, I had another dream about my past. Except this one felt different. I saw my younger self and my family, but I was also there. The adult, vampire me. When I tried asking what was going on, no one was listening. I went to touch my younger selfs shoulder, but my hand just went right through. It was almost as if my consciousness left my body and went back to my past dream. But that's not it. You guys remember how I told you about the figure that was standing and watching me right? It so happens-"

I cut myself off, my eyes flew wide open. I dropped the cup of tea, making it shatter against the wood below me. I slowly backed up till I felt the railing hit my back. My heart sank all the way past hell. Zamasu and Black came running to my side. "Alice?! What's wrong?!" Black asked frantically. I looked at his worried face through watery eyes. 

"It was him."

They looked at each other in confusion before looking back at me. "Who?" Zamasu asked. 

At this point, I was almost hysterical. It took about 20 minutes for me to calm down. 

Once I regained my composure, I let out a very shaky breath and looked at Black. I could only whisper one thing. 

"It was the man that destroyed my town... and the one that turned me." 

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