Chapter 47: The ritual

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After that whole thing with Black, I sat down on the couch, still overwhelmed with emotions. Black sat down beside me and Zamasu left to do God knows what. "You know, this was the absolute last thing I expected from a villain like you." I giggled as I looked at the ring on my finger. He grinned. "You complaining?" I furiously shook my head. "Absolutely not!" 

We sat there for the next couple minutes until Zamasu came back. "It's all set up and ready." he told Black. Black nodded and kissed my cheek. "Are you ready?" he asked me. "Ready for what?" I asked in confusion. "The process of becoming a real Goddess." he smiled. "Oh yea.. Right." I said quietly. "Do you not want this?" he asked, tilting his head. "Of course I do. Just a little nervous is all. I don't know what to expect." I replied. "You'll be fine. I promise." he smiled as he stood up. I smiled back and stood up. 

He suddenly scooped me in his arms bridal style, making me shriek in surprise. "Black! Give me a warning next time!" I whined. This only caused a chuckle to come from him. He held me in his arms as he and Zamasu started flying to wherever this is gonna take place. 

A couple minutes later, we finally descended to a caved area. He didn't let go of me as he walked in, Zamasu right behind us. We walked for a bit until I saw a faint turquoise light in the distance. "What's that?" I asked. "You'll see. We're almost there."

A couple seconds later, we finally got to where the light was coming from. My jaw dropped at the sight in front of me. Black noticed my expression. A small smirk creeped its way onto his face. "Welcome to the world of the Gods."

The floor was made of white quartz and the walls were painted a very light blue. It almost looked white. Large quartz pillars stood all around the room. In the center, there was a large pool of some sort with a waterfall. Right next to the poor, there was rose quartz bowl with a dagger on a stand. Then I looked up at the ceiling. The ceiling was a mosaic glass dome, the sunlight from the outside pouring in. It was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.

He finally puts me down and motions for me to follow him. I followed him to the stand with the rose quartz bowl. He grabbed the dagger and turned to me. "Give me your right hand." he instructed. With shaky hands, I did as I was told. He grabbed my hand gently. "Hey." his soft voice spoke. I looked into his eyes. "It's ok. Try to relax a little." he said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying my best to calm my nerves. I opened my eyes to see Black smiling softly at me. "Better?" he asks. "A little bit." "Alright. Then this is gonna sting for a second."

He dragged the blade against my palms with enough pressure to draw blood. I hissed at the feeling. He held my bleeding hand over the liquid. We both watched as my blood dripped from my hand down into the clear liquid, turning it light red.  He then took the blade and cut his own hand, dropping his blood in the bowl. He then handed the blade to Zamasu and he did the exact same thing. All our bloods were mixing in together. 

Black and Zamasu held hands and they both reached their hands out towards me. I immediately knew what they wanted and grabbed each of their hands. We were standing in a circle with the rose quartz bowl in the middle of us. 

Black and Zamasu tilted their heads downwards and closed their eyes before they started chanting something in some ancient language that I didn't understand. I just stood there and let them do their thing.

Suddenly, there was a rope like light wrapping itself around both of my hands. I looked at it in amazement.

After a couple minutes, the chanting stopped and they opened their eyes. Black looked over at Zamasu and nodded. Zamasu nodded back before walking out of the room, leaving me and Black alone. "Where's he going?" I asked. "The ritual isn't complete just yet. There's one more thing that needs to be done. But you may not like it." he said. "What is it?" I asked, wanting to get this over with. "Remove all your clothes and step in the water." he said.

I blushed madly and glared at him, thinking it was some joke. But by the look on his face, he was dead serious.

I let out a shaky breath before slowly removing my clothes, leaving me bare in front of him. I slowly turned around and started walking in the pool. "Oh Jesus fuck its fucking freezing!" I shrieked. From outside the room, I could hear Zamasu laugh. "Oh fuck you Zamasu!" I yelled once more. This only caused him to laugh even more. I was definitely going to wring his neck later.

I shivered harshly as the cold water hit my stomach. As I was standing waist deep in the water, I turned back to look at Black, covering my chest with my arms. Sure I've been naked in front of him multiple times, but it's still nerve wrecking.

Black grabbed the bowl of all our bloods and walked over beside the pool. "This is the last stretch. You ready?" he asked. I shivered once more. "Yea. Just hurry up so I can get dressed again." I muttered. "What if I like you like this?" he smirked. I death glared him. He laughed. "Sorry sorry."

Keeping his eyes open, he started chanting once more. He poured the blood in the pool. Not long after, my whole body was surrounded by a bright light. I was lifted out of the water and into the air, the light not dimming one bit.

It stayed like that for a couple minutes before I got lowered back down into the water. The light surrounding by body slowly died down until it was no longer there. "Congratulations, my rose. Welcome to Godhood." Black smiled as he reached a hand out. I grabbed it and he hoisted my out of the water. He handed me a towel and I quickly grabbed it, wrapping it tight around me. I dried off and quickly threw my clothes back on.

After I finished getting dressed, Black grabbed my hand and we walked out to join Zamasu out of the room.

"Congratulations." he smiled once he noticed us. "Thank you Zamasu." I smiled back.

We all walked back out and we flew off back to the cabin. "So what happens now?" I ask Black. "Now we wait for those damn mortals to return. They won't think twice about killing 3 Gods. After all, we're all that the cosmos needs." he said. "So what you're saying is that it's gonna be fucking boring for a while. Got it." I groaned out. I really wanted some action now that I became a God just like Black and Zamasu.

I wasn't too sure how this was gonna change me or the situation, but I was definitely more than eager to find out.

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