Dean's Unexpected Wish

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[Sam is standing at the table, holding the Baozhu in his hands. Dean is sitting at the table, with a beer.]

Dean: John Wayne Gacy's ghost. Well, that's one of the record books.

Sam: Dean.

Dam: Hm?

Sam:  think this is it.

Dean: The pearl?

Sam: Yeah.

Dean: Let's do it.

Sam: Are you – are you sure you don't want to call Mom or – or wait for Cas?

Dean: No. No, 'cause, you know, if this mojo works like you say, great. If not... why get their hopes up?

[Dean stands up next to Sam.]

Sam: Yeah.

Dean: Okay.

[Sam gives Dean the pearl.]

Dean: So, what do I...

Sam: I don't know. I-I guess you – you hold the pearl and – and concentrate on what your heart desires.

Dean: Michael outta my head. Got it.

[Dean picks up the pearl and holds it in his hand. He looks at Sam before closing his fist around it, closing his eyes. The lights in the bunker start to flicker, the red emergency lights coming on. Dean opens his eyes as he and Sam look around the room.]

[A man appears from behind them and swings at Sam. Sam moves, but the man hits him with his gun, pushing him to the floor. Dean swings at the man, but the man hits him with his several times, sending Dean to the ground, near Sam. A gun cocks.]

Man: Don't you move.

[The emergency light turns off, the regular lights come back on. DEAN and SAM look at the man in shock.]

Dean: Dad?

[The man is John.]

[John looks at the boys in shock.]

John: Dean? Sam? What in the hell?

[John looks around the room, as the boys stand up from the floor.]

John: Sammy. Aren't you supposed to be in Palo Alto?

Sam: Palo Alto?

John: What happened to you?

Dean: What year is it?

John: It's 2003.

Sam: It's 2019.

John: No. How?

Sam: We, uh... I-I think we summoned you.

John: You boys better tell me what the hell is going on right now.

[In the kitchen Dean pours whiskey into a glass. John picks it up and takes a sip.]

John: So, you saved the world?

Dean: More than once.

John: Then it's all true. God, the devil, you boys smack in the middle. Now you live in a secret bunker with an angel and Lucifer's kid.

Dean: Yeah.

Sam: Yeah.

John: And you've done this whole time-travel thing before?

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