A Winchester in the Nail Salon

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Dean Winchester sighed as he sat in the nail salon chair, reluctantly tolerating Rowena's company for the day. He never thought he'd find himself in such a place, but when Rowena insisted on getting her nails and toes done, he couldn't escape her persuasive Scottish accent.

"Dean, darling, do not worry. There's no hex bag in this salon," Rowena assured him, her voice tinged with amusement. "Besides, Edythe, your girlfriend, would be thrilled to see that your nails look good. Trust me."

Dean rolled his eyes, not entirely convinced, but he couldn't deny that his hands were indeed dirty from all the hunting they had been doing. He grumbled a bit but decided to make the best of the situation.

As they entered the salon, the atmosphere was peaceful, and the old Vietnamese ladies greeted them with warm smiles and broken English accents. Dean tried his best to understand their words, nodding and smiling in response.

Taking a seat in the chair, Dean watched as the Vietnamese lady worked on his feet, his expression one of mild discomfort. Rowena, noticing his unease, smirked mischievously.

"Dean, my dear, why don't you turn on the massage feature? It'll help you relax," Rowena suggested, pointing at a remote control on the side of the chair.

Dean hesitated for a moment before reaching for the remote and activating the massage function. Slowly, the chair began to vibrate, sending gentle waves of relaxation up his back. He let out a contented sigh, momentarily forgetting his reservations.

Amidst the soothing ambiance, the Vietnamese lady, who had been diligently working on his feet, curiously glanced up at Dean and mustered the courage to ask, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Dean's lips curled into a wide grin, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "Yeah, I do," he replied proudly. "Her name's Edythe. She's pretty amazing."

The Vietnamese lady beamed at his response, her eyes crinkling with warmth. "She's lucky to have you. Very handsome man."

Dean chuckled, feeling a sense of appreciation. "Thank you, ma'am. That means a lot coming from you."

Throughout the rest of the pampering session, Dean found himself engaged in lighthearted banter with the Vietnamese ladies, occasionally translating their words for Rowena, who seemed thoroughly entertained by the whole experience. It turned out to be a surprisingly enjoyable day, even if it was far from Dean's usual activities.

As he left the salon with freshly polished nails and relaxed feet, Dean couldn't help but admit that Rowena had managed to turn a mundane task into a memorable outing. Perhaps, every once in a while, it wasn't so bad to step out of his comfort zone and embrace unexpected moments of levity and connection.

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