The British are Idjits *with SMUT*

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(Set in Supernatural Season 12 Episode 21. I know that I make most of the Characters pregnant but that's how my writing idea's been. (I will do more that ain't pregnant) Well, actually I've been daydreaming a ton, and it's how I get these imagines onto Wattpad here! Still working this one just a bit.)


I was in Dean's sweats and a graphic tee. I walked into the nursery as I heard some people in the building. I locked the door and held my gun in hand. I was gonna clean it but hearing someone in the bunker was not right. I slid down the wall trying to say quietly. I could hear them talking about waiting to get the Winchester's gone and killed. Tears silently streamed down my face. I was scared. Being 5 months pregnant was having my moods everywhere but this time it was different it was me actually crying and not into a pregnant mood but with my ADHD on top of it all giving me anxiety.  My arms were flailing around, hands shaking, starting to hyperventilate, and snot all over my lower face. Where was Dean when I needed him. I then could hear Dean talking. I felt a bit better but still, I was not okay. "Okay I he-a-a-r Dean."

"So we're clear? You call Ketch, tell him if he wants to see you alive, he gets his prissy ass over here." 

 Dean said as they reach the bottom of the stairs, but they also see several of the British Men Of Letters and Mr. Ketch too. Holding Guns while Sam points his gun at Mr. Ketch 

 "Interestingly, his prissy ass is already here. Lady Bevell, would you mind disarming them?" 

 As Toni starts to disarm Sam he grabs her arm and begins shooting with deadly accuracy. I was crying even harder. I was scared and needed Dean more than ever. I unlocked the door to dash into my and Dean's room. Sam backs away using Toni as a shield. Mr. Ketch points one of his cronies in another direction to get behind the brothers. Dean goes around the library and into the hall and kills the member of the British Men Of Letters who tried to circle around to get behind him. I heard a shot and I saw Dean through the crack of the door. He looks at me and just opens the door. 

 "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay I am here now. Calm down. Stay here and don't move okay?" 

 "Don't leave Dean. I need you. You cannot leave me here. I-i-i-i-...." 

 He wiped my tears away and looked at me. 

 "Oh, babe... You're that scared." 

 I nodded. Pulling me in for a hug as I cry into his chest. 

 "Okay just stay behind me. I will make sure nothing happens. Not to you or even the baby." 

 He lifts up my shirt and kisses my bump. Also feeing the baby kick a bit. I smiled a bit with still crying. 

 "Let's go." 

 I clung to Dean's side as he slides up behind Mr. Ketch, grabs his gun, and points a gun at Mr. Ketch's head. 

 "Get up." He orders's "

All right, Ketch, how many more guys are in here?" 

 Sam said while still holding Toni. 

 "Our mom – Where is she?!" 

 Mary comes into View pointing a gun. I felt even more scared but safer by Dean's side. 

 "Don't move." She said waking into the war room. Then Mr. Ketch speaks up. "Ah, speak of the devil." 

 Sam looking relieved at his mother 

"Perfect timing, Mom." 

 "Just stay where you are." 

 Dean then spoke. 

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