Shattered dreams 27

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(After talking to her mom)

My mom always wants things to go her way. We're just the same I love things going my way too. That creates stubbornness between Max and myself sometimes (smiles at that). Today was my happiest day ever. My daughter was never this happy too, her father made sure she was the one getting spoiled today. That wasn't fair (Smiling again - the woman is very happy), I was the one who was supposed to be getting all that attention from him, damn he's such a sucker for kids.

Does that mean it's going to be like that when I have this one I'm carrying?

(Smiling again - the woman is very happy, she's looking at her sleeping husband to be next to her, he didn't even heard her speak loud on the phone correcting her mother. She still has to take Uthi (the daughter) to her bed.  That's always her job. They play and play until they're both spent and she's left with the job of cleaning up after them and taking Uthi to her bed)

I'm sure I'm pregnant, today I think I was celebrating two things in my heart. Everything is just going my way and going too well for me, God is great. Ever since hearing Max telling me he loves me and cannot live without me at my death bed at the private hospital I've been on cloud nine. Soga too has turned out to be such a very good guy, a friend and a best father to Max. I watched them at Mama's house (my mother in-law) during the day.

My gosh the three of them are such a family. Mama (Linda) is still in love with him. Yes she tried to hid it but today I saw it in their eyes, it's obvious. Now I can see why my mom (Thozi) would never really get along with her, she has his heart. Well I'm sorry for my mother I'm part of their family too now and Max is mine alone I'm positive about that.

"You're coming to the best family sweetie."
(Touching her stomach)

My dreams are slowly coming true I love that. Oh before I forget I've bought the home pregnancy test. The best of it's kind... but they're all the best to me, they can't cheat. Okay I know the wrong use, abortions and miscarriages can lead to false results. I've never had all of those and I know how to use the test I've used it before.

I'm not worried I'm just anxious, I'm expecting positive results. We've been making love like crazy two equal bulls these last few days and my doc has told me it was the best time for me to fall pregnant. I was on the top of my ovulation I didn't even need an ovulation test kit. Anyway I'll go to the doctor to double check tomorrow. I'm positive I'm pregnant.


I'm in the car breathing so high like a marathon runner Dr Phillips is taking long to answer his mobile.

"Hello Dr Phillips here."
"Wow at long last Dr..."
"Soga is that you? Please calm down take a deep breath, exhale."

I did just that, I really needed to calm down.

"I think we have a problem Doc."
"You sound better now. Tell me what is the problem."

This lad is so calm like this is a minor operation in his lab.

"Thozama, the mother is very suspicious. She knows the tests can be bought. She had brought them years ago. She's positive I'm the father..."
"Soga how are the kids are they okay?"
"Damn Doc kids are just fine, they are the only people I know are happy here and I not sorry about that but..."
"No buts Soga, keep the kids happy. Your daughter is pregnant, I didn't wanna tell you that yesterday, I didn't tell them today either. You all had too much on your plate. She's few weeks pregnant."
"What? Hold on Doc.."
"Soga I'm busy healing people with real problems here. Don't worry about Thozama our side is covered. I mean the side of my doctors and myself. Our mission is to heal people and keep them smiling and alive. We're not in this work to bring them problems. We can't be bought we are the ones who comes out with the good results for everyone and convince the relevant person not the other way around. In this case we all agreed that there's no such a thing called incest in science. So we all took the decision to do the right thing saving your daughter. As long as they don't know they're siblings your kids will be fine"
"Doc no argument from me there... Wow Noxy is pregnant! My daughter is pregnant?! Wow the celebration could have been more, much much more if she knew."

Wow I've forgotten about Thozi already, damn I've never knew this selfish side of me. I'm over the moon because my daughter is pregnant and will be having a second child from my own son. Am I insane?

"Doc one thing though the mother is threatening to do her own test."
"Soga you worry too much, goodbye told you I'm busy."
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