Chapter: 1 The Omni-God's Rebirth

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September 10th

Location: Konoha UzuKaze Household

Kushina Uzumaki, Minato Namikaze, Tsunade Senju, and Jiraiya of the Toad Sennin gathered in the spacious living room. The atmosphere was a mix of excitement and nervousness. Minato, with his signature yellow Hokage cloak, sat beside his wife, Kushina, who was looking both radiant and apprehensive.

Minato: (smiling) "I still can't believe we're going to be parents, let alone parents to three little ninja."

Kushina: (nervously) "Yeah, who would've thought we'd be having triplets? It's a lot to take in."

Tsunade: (sipping her sake) "Triplets, huh? You two sure know how to make things interesting. But don't worry, I'll make sure Kushina and the kids are in top shape."

Jiraiya: (grinning) "Imagine the mischief three little troublemakers can get up to. It's going to be a wild ride."

As the discussion progressed, Tsunade, the renowned medical ninja, delved into the specifics of the pregnancy, ensuring Kushina's well-being.

Tsunade: "Kushina, I've set up a detailed medical plan for you. We'll monitor you closely. Triplets can be a bit tricky, but with my expertise, we'll ensure a smooth delivery."

Kushina: (grateful) "Thank you, Tsunade. I trust you completely."

Meanwhile, Minato and Jiraiya were busy strategizing the security measures. Given the nature of the Kyuubi sealed within Kushina, they couldn't afford any slip-ups.

Minato: "We need a secure location, one that's hidden from everyone, even our own villagers. And the ANBU guards should be on high alert."

Jiraiya: "I'll handle the barrier seals. No one will get through without us knowing. We've got a month to make this place impenetrable."

Tsunade: (interjecting) "And make sure Kushina doesn't overexert herself. We don't want any surprises."

A female jinkurichi has a particular weakness... During a childbirth the seal starts to losen then finally its breaks then, tailed beast they holds will escaped

Timeskip October 10th

Location: Unknown

Kushina's agonized screams echoed in the dimly lit room as she struggled through the pains of childbirth. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and Minato, the Fourth Hokage, stood by her side, his hands glowing as he focused on maintaining the seal that held the powerful Kyuubi within her.

Kushina: (through gritted teeth) "Aaaah! Damn you, Minato! I'll kill you for making me pregnant!"

Minato: (calmly) "Kushina-chan, just keep pushing. We're almost there." *He hovered his hand over the seal on Kushina's stomach, trying to stabilize it amidst the intense energy fluctuations.

After what felt like an eternity, the room filled with the first cries of their newborn. Minato carefully cradled the baby in his arms, a mix of relief and joy on his face.

Minato: (smiling) "It's a boy, Kushina! Our firstborn is here."

As the couple marveled at the tiny life they brought into the world, little did they know that their joy was observed from a plane beyond their comprehension.

Location: The plane of Ethereal and Tranquility

Eight Gods watching the mortal realm, each radiating with an otherworldly authority, observed the events unfolding in the mortal realm. Zagreus, one of deity of the ethereal plane, spoke to his sibling, Khaos, the embodiment of chaos.

Zagreus: "Hey, Khaos, do you think our youngest sibling will be reborn today?"

Khaos: "I believe so. The threads of fate are weaving a new story."

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