Chapter 4: How be to a Omni-God 1O1

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Location: Unknown

Naruto was 8 and half years old, He was currently training and he was taught by his eight divine siblings, the Ōtsutsuki family, and all nine-tailed beasts, they taught him about both his divine and charka aspects of other dimensions created by the eight Archons, Naruto forged his sword The Musou Isshin (Japanese: 夢想の一心 "Wholehearted Dream") that was created from Naruto's divine might. As well he created his unique kenjutsu style(sword technique) The Musou no Hitotachi (Japanese: 無想の一太刀 Musou no Hito-Tachi, "One Slash of No Conception", also written as 夢想の一太刀 Musou no Hito-Tachi, "One Slash of Dreams") that can resonate and infused to all the pure elements(not made on charka) at once or a single element that depends to Naruto. After quite some time Naruto was panting and he felt his fatigue but wanted to keep on going with his training. But He was irrupted by Khaos and he said something

Khaos: Naruto that's enough of the training for today, let's call it for today

Naruto: (breathing heavily) But Khaos-niisama, I'm not done with my training yet. I still need to master the remaining elements of the infusion on my Musou no Hitotachi. After that, I'm going to master the omni-elemental Musou Final Slash.

Khaos: (sighs) You and your stubbornness, Naruto. It's important to have a good rest. It will clear and refresh your mind and body. Even though we are gods, rest is important. (speaking in a sagely tone)

Naruto: (reluctantly) Oh, okay.

Naruto fainted from his physical exhaustion, and Khaos swiftly caught him before he hit the ground. After a considerable amount of time, Naruto woke up and used his divine power to open a portal back to his home. A shimmering gateway appeared in the middle of Training Ground 44, also known as the Forest of Death. Naruto continued his trek towards the Hatake Compound.

Naruto: Good evening, Kaka-niisan.

Kakashi: Oh, Otōto. You're back from your tort— I mean, training?

Naruto: Yes, Kaka-niisan. Man, I'm super exhausted.

Kakashi: By the way, Otōto, the academy is going to start again after the winter festival.

Naruto: Yeah, I know, but the academy is super boring, and that place is filled with ignorant and arrogant worms.

Kakashi: Maybe I should keep you away from your divine siblings for a while. They're a bad influence on you. (jokingly)

Naruto gave Kakashi a dead-serious glare, creating an intense atmosphere that soon broke into awkward silence. Both of them burst into laughter, diffusing the tension.

Kakashi: So, almighty the Kami-sama, what food do you like as my humble offering?

Naruto: Kaka-niisan, please cut the formalities. You know I hate it when you call me by my title. I'm just the same old Naruto.

Kakashi: Nah, I'm just joking. What food do you like?

Naruto: Hmmm... maybe ramen.

Naruto and Kakashi headed to Ichiraku Ramen, their day both ruined and saved. However, upon arrival, they found the UzuKaze family already there. Mito was craving ramen, and the atmosphere became tense with animosity.

Mito: Naru-niisan and Kaka-niisan! (waves happily)

Naruto: Mito-chan! (gives a small smile)

Kushina: (with animosity in her voice) Hey brat, don't be too close to my daughter.

Minato: That's enough, everyone.

Mixed reactions ensued. Minato hoped to fix the huge rift between his family, and Naruto and Kakashi raised their eyebrows mentally. Kushina, Menma, and Natsumi glared at Naruto, while Mito seemed oblivious to the family conflict. The Ichiraku family, aware of the situation, sympathized with Naruto.

Ayame: Here are your orders.

Mito: Thank you, Ayame-neechan!

Ayame: You're welcome, Mito!

Mito: (addressing Naruto) Naru-Nissan, we can play like we used to... pretty please? (activates the puppy eyes no jutsu)

Everyone except Mito's reaction was a cuteness overload. Menma, Natsumi, and Kushina thought, 'Why did she choose that dobe? Why him? Why you, demon?' Kakashi and Minato both stared down Naruto.

Naruto: Sorry, Mito. Maybe next time.

Mito: (whining) Why? I wanted to play with you now.

Naruto's divine aura filled the ramen shop, a subtle chill settling in the air. Mito, despite her initial shock, felt an unfamiliar fear creeping up her spine. The atmosphere became tense as the others present, including Kakashi and the Ichiraku family, sensed the weight of Naruto's overwhelming power.

Naruto continued to maintain his stern gaze, a subtle aura of divine power emanating from him. The air grew heavy, and an unspoken tension lingered in the ramen stand. Mito, caught between fear and confusion, couldn't comprehend the sudden change in her brother's demeanor.

Naruto: Mito, I need you to understand something. We can't play like we used to. I have responsibilities, duties, and powers that go beyond childhood games. It's not safe for you.

Mito: (teary-eyed) But... why? We used to have so much fun together.

Naruto softened his expression, his divine presence retracting. He placed a gentle hand on Mito's head.

Naruto: I'm not doing this to hurt you, Mito. It's to protect you. There are forces at play that you can't comprehend right now. I can't risk your safety.

Mito sniffled, still not fully grasping the magnitude of Naruto's words.

Menma, Natsumi, and Kushina exchanged glances, their resentment momentarily overshadowed by a glimpse of Naruto's genuine concern for Mito. Kakashi and Minato, on the other hand, observed in silence, realizing the complexities of the divine responsibilities Naruto shouldered.

The atmosphere lightened when Naruto broke into a warm smile.

Naruto: But don't worry Mito. We'll find other ways to spend time together that keep you safe and let me fulfill my duties. Deal?

Mito, wiping away her tears, nodded reluctantly.

Mito: Okay, Naru-niisan. I trust you.

Naruto ruffled her hair affectionately.

Naruto: That's my little sister. Now, let's enjoy our ramen, shall we?

The group resumed their meal, attempting to salvage the uneasy atmosphere. The Ichiraku family, who had witnessed the family dynamics, sympathized with Naruto. Meanwhile, Menma, Natsumi, and Kushina struggled with their conflicted feelings, caught between resentment and an acknowledgment of Naruto's protective instincts.

After their meal, Naruto bid farewell to Kakashi and Mito, promising to visit them soon. As he walked away, Kakashi couldn't help but wonder about the burdens Naruto carried as a god. The complexities of balancing divinity and familial ties were evident, and the weight of those responsibilities was etched on Naruto's face.

Back at the UzuKaze residence, Minato took a moment to reflect on the family dynamics. He knew mending the strained relationships would take time, but he was determined to bridge the gap between Naruto and the rest of the family.

The following days saw Naruto continuing his training with his divine mentors/siblings, learning to harness the immense powers within him. The Archons, Ōtsutsuki family, and tailed beasts provided guidance, shaping Naruto into the Omni-God he was destined to become.

As Naruto's strength grew, so did the looming threats against the balance of the omniverse. Unbeknownst to Naruto, an ancient force stirred in the shadows, observing his every move with a sinister intent. Its black Zetsu, they manipulate the Shinobi world in shadows, and following the true will of God Tree and their next move is unknown. The other one comes from the deeper depths of the Abyss that brings Insanity, Death, and End.

[A/N: I have big writer's block, writing for Naruto: Omni-God so yeah sorry for the short chapter...]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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