Chapter 2: Growing Pains

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Konoha, three years after Naruto's birth, had become a place of shadows for the young Uzumaki Namikaze. Despite being part of a family, Naruto felt isolated, ignored, and neglected. His desperate yearning for attention and acknowledgment had led him to perform pranks, a misguided attempt to make others notice him. However, as the years passed, the villagers' treatment towards him only worsened.

One evening, Naruto returned home after enduring another beating from a resentful mob. His face bruised, he attempted to explain what had happened to his mother, Kushina. However, instead of comfort or understanding, he found himself on the receiving end of a slap. His cries for help went unheard as he retreated to his room—the small, dusty space beneath the stairs that served as his sanctuary.

Upstairs, Menma and Natsumi, Naruto's siblings, played without a care in the world. Unaware of their brother's struggles, they reveled in the belief that they were the children of prophecy destined to save the world and bring about peace. This inflated their egos, making Naruto's existence seem even more inconsequential.

One day, Naruto attempted to join the festivities, hoping to share in the joy of his family's achievements. However, the laughter ceased when Naruto's presence was acknowledged. Kushina, Menma, and Natsumi all turned cold gazes toward him.

Kushina: "What are you doing here, Naruto? This is a moment for our family, not for failures like you."

Menma: "Yeah, go back to your hole, loser. The children of prophecy don't need you."

Natsumi: "You're just a burden. Mito is the one we should be proud of."

Devastated, Naruto retreated to his room, the weight of his family's disdain heavy on his shoulders. He felt like an outcast in his own home, the very place that should have provided comfort and solace.

As time passed, a new hope emerged for Naruto in the form of Mito, his newborn sister. Unlike the rest of his family, Mito's innocence and kindness filled Naruto with warmth. His faith in humanity was momentarily restored, and he pledged to protect Mito from the darkness that clouded the world of shinobi.

Naruto: (whispering) "I won't let them touch you, Mito. I'll shield you from the shadows that haunt our family."

Naruto took on the responsibilities of a caretaker, learning to clean the house and cook meals for the family that showed him no kindness. His days were spent ensuring Mito's happiness, the only bright spot in his otherwise dreary existence.

One day, while Naruto was playing with Mito in the garden, Menma and Natsumi approached, their egos towering over them.

Menma: "Look at this, Natsumi. The loser is playing parent to Mito."

Natsumi: "Pathetic. He thinks he can make up for being a failure by playing house with our little sister."

Naruto ignored their taunts, focusing on the laughter and joy he could bring to Mito. However, the sibling rivalry escalated into a fight, with Menma and Natsumi cornering Naruto.

Kushina, witnessing the commotion from a distance, rushed to the scene. The siblings' dynamic had taken a dark turn, and Kushina's frustration reached a boiling point.

Kushina: "Enough! What is the meaning of this?"

Menma: "Mom! Naruto was pretending to be a father to Mito. It's disgusting."

Natsumi: "Yeah, we can't have a failure like him tarnishing the Uzumaki name."

Kushina, torn between her love for all her children, struggled to comprehend the animosity.

Kushina: "Naruto, explain yourself."

Naruto: "I just wanted Mito to be happy. I didn't mean to—"

Kushina: (slapping Naruto) "Enough! I've had it with your pathetic attempts to seek attention. You will stay away from Mito."

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