Chapter 3: The Awakening

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October 10th, one year later...

In the solitude of Naruto's makeshift dwelling, he prepared for his eighth birthday, unaware that the shadows of hatred were closing in on him like a gathering storm.

As he decorated his home, the ominous atmosphere outside thickened. Unseen by Naruto, a mob, fueled by long-standing resentment, began to form.

Naruto, sensing the palpable threat, felt his heart race. An instinct for self-preservation kicked in, urging him to escape the encroaching danger.

Naruto: "Why? Why won't you just leave me alone?"

His plea echoed through the desolate streets as the mob, fueled by anger and blame, pursued him relentlessly.

Chunin #1: "Leave you alone, demon? You never left us alone. Our families, friends, Lord 3rd, and his wife—you killed them, eight years ago!"

Naruto, desperate and bewildered, vehemently denied the accusations.

Naruto: "I swear, I didn't do anything to them! Please, just leave me be!"

Villager #2: "The demon deserves to die. Now, demon, we will avenge Lord 3rd-sama, his wife, and all those people that you corrupted."

Villager #3: "Let's finish what the 3rd-sama started. End him!"

A chilling cheer rose from the mob, demanding Naruto's demise. They cornered him, a sea of angry faces closing in.

Naruto: "Why? What did I do to deserve this?"

His desperate pleas were drowned out by the mob's bloodlust. The frenzy escalated into a brutal assault. Naruto was pummeled, and tortured, his bones shattered under the relentless barrage. Covered in his own blood, he closed his eyes, surrendering to the inevitable. As Naruto's life ebbed away, the mob's triumphant cheers transformed into a solemn hush. The village, blissfully unaware of the tragedy they had wrought, continued with their lives, perpetuating a cycle of hatred that claimed an innocent soul. The shadows of vengeance lingered over Konoha, casting a dark pall on the village, as Naruto's light flickered out on the day meant for celebration.


In the ethereal realm, the Archons, Tailed Beasts, and Ōtsutsuki watched in horror as humanity displayed its darkest side.

Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox, voiced his frustration and disillusionment, emphasizing the hypocrisy of humans who labeled him a demon while committing heinous acts themselves.

Kurama: "See, Father? This is why we Tailed Beasts fucking despise humans. They called me a demon, but they are the true demons, doing that to a child. And they dare call me a demon?!" other Tailed Beasts nodded in agreement

Khaos, the Archon of Chaos, shared in the sentiment of disgust.

Khaos: "The ignorance and stupidity of mortals. They are monstrous, demonic creatures, whether in appearance or in action. They deserve oblivion."

Hagoromo, Ashura, and Hamura, the Ōtsutsuki family members, expressed disappointment and were losing faith in humanity. Kaguya and Indra harbored desires to destroy humanity for their actions.

Zagreus, the Archon of Death, decided to take action.

Zagreus: "I'm going to awaken Bahamut."

Khaos, surprised by the decision, sought clarification.

Khaos: "You're going to awaken him? But he is still asleep."

Bahamut, however, interjected with an unexpected revelation.

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