they met!

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"Me talking"
'me thinking'

It was just a normal day, well... At least What you call normal in tboah world.
Everyone was doing their jobs and even though everything seemed normal, people knew that something terrible was going to happen.

At the same time, in the royal palace of joy, our shining sun of the Roan kingdom was sitting on his desk, full of papers while talking to the people with him.

-your highness, people are getting restless, we just came back from the battle from those arm bastards, and now the north is starting to move?
Tasha and the few dark elves were showing their concern towards Alberu.

- l know aunty, I know. There is not much we can do.

There really wasn't much that Alberu could do, nor any kingdom he could ask for help. There was going to be a war between jungle and the whipper kingdom. North was invading them. Empire... God knows what they were doing, Breck was having trouble on their own, after all if Roan loses they would be invaded first.And Roan kingdom was not very strong, they didn't excel in anything.

- the only thing I can do now is to ask choi han and his company for help.

Alberu was sure that he could scam ehem... Get them on their side to fight. After all, they were heroes, but they were his subjects as well, and as an affectionate crown prince, he cared about his people and didn't want to get them into any trouble and make unnecessary sacrifices.

Tasha could see that his nephew was worried, after all in a week, north will announce their attack on Roan, what would they be able to do in a week? King didn't really help at this time and all the responsibilities where pushed on to Alberu.

That's when they heard a knock on the door and the knight announced Roan's only swordmaster's as well as his comrades arrival.

- we greet the kingdoms future sun.

They all said in unison. Alberu could see choi han, princess... Well not princess anymore, so mage Rosalyn, wolf king Lock and the son-father assassin dou, who somehow felt familiar (well not that alberu put much thought into that).

"Raise your heads please, you are not just any of my servants after all, you are my comrades and I asked you here to ask for your help, not the other way around"

They- especially Choi Han- were all touched with his words. After all it wasn't common for the crown prince to talk to you as equal.

Choi Han, the leader of the group, told Alberu about the situation he and his companions encountered when they went to the border and it was not good.

After all the discussing they all fell silent. Rosalyn, choi Han and Alberu were thinking what to do, Lock was just blankly staring into space while thinking how to kill people who murdered his family and the Molan duo, well who knows if they just didn't care or the weren't showing their anxiety.

That's when the sudden light came and they all found themselves in a different place.

"Your highness, please stay behind me" said choi han as he got in front of alberu, next to Tasha, who he knew that was somehow very close and commited to protect alberu.

And that's when they saw...


Did they hit their head or something??? How is this possible?? Rosalyn didn't know any magic that could imitate person appearance completely.

The other person just sighed and said

"Looks like that bastard is at it again" the raven, no the other Choi Han jist looked at them and...

Wait... Was he ignoring them?? Were they the only ones who were in shock? What the hell??

"Who are you? And why do you look like me?" Choi Han* (* i will you this for tboah people from now on)

"Just sit, I am sure everything will be explained" choi han

That's when other people started to appear, there were other kingdom's rulers, some nobles, beast people, even elves and some magistically beautiful looking people who somehow gave the feeling that you should just bend down and worship.

Choi han* looked around and
"And just what is that trash doing here?"

Everyone looked towards the drunkard redhead who was just chilling and drinking his wine and didn't even glance at the brute, after all he was still scared that he would beat him up again, and who wanted another healing session ?? Not Cale* he didn't.


On the other side of the room the tcf people started appearing as well, they all looked calm, after all they've been through this types of things so much that they didn't really care anymore.

Both sides saw the people looking like themselves and some additional ones as well.

Choi Han's* party, especially Lock* was gaping his mouth when he saw Pendrick. And whales were crying when they saw walking, talking Paseton with their other selves.

Tboah people where all staring at tcf people and they suddenly noticed something, everyone was looking for someone, starting from Choi Han, ending with newly appeared Alberu.

And that's when they all heard kittens meows and a certain redhead. And the curses that followed

"That mother****ing god of death"


Cale was just chilling in his villa, watching his children play  when GoD suddenly contacted him through Cage and told him that he and his people where going to react to some of his stories and his secret wouldn't be revealed. And before the redhead started swearing he promised him so much money that redhead took the deal right away.

That's when he saw the sudden light, he and his children suddenly dissapeared and the last thing he heard was


and they were all brought in a cinema looking place with hus people as the GoD told him but what he was not awared of was their other looking selves.

He was sured he heard his otherself, no other cale* swear.

Cale was tired with this bullshit and just let it all out.
"This mother****ing god of death"

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