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"hi there, my beautiful people. Today some constellations want to send you massages"


" You mean there are gods watching us?"

"Well, something like that. It's hard to explain so imagine it so. I just want to tell you that they were the ones whom GoD lost his bet to and I am here working my ass of for🙂"

'I don't know if she sounds happy or is out for blood'

" Okay, then lets start"


"From: [The Constellation Who reviews Memories]
To: Cale and Fam.
Hello! You might think that ''These people are jerks, making us entertainment'' But we, Readers really love you.

Of course they were thinking like that,

"What do you mean readers?" Asked tcf Cale who obviously caught the most important part.

"Well, just like how you guys are reading this like a novel, those people are reading your beautiful story like that as well, you can say they are your life and death companions. They go in battles with you, share your pain and happy moments and support you however they can"

It was very disturbing to know that someone was watching your life but to know that they are experiencing all their efforts, pain and happiness, as well as supporting them, this made them feel happy and loved.

To og!Cale:
Please stop the act, you are hurting yourself

" I am not doing anything like that"

Tboah Cale turned his head with a nonchalant expression and kept on drinking wine, but if you looked close, you can see his red ears

Tboah Rosalyn who was sitting next to him obviously caught on that fact

' such a tsundere, cale'

I hate you guys, you might think I am biased but that's how the universe works."

Well, they don't like you either. That's how the universe works after all. They don't care, they have a world to save.

'I love this constellation, if you don't'

To Cale:

Cale, do you know there's someone out there who's so similar yet so different with you?

There are many people in the world so Cale doesn't really care.

He also likes to use other people's money

Now that caught his interest.

He has a great memory, he memorizes everyone he comes across and every date the ships in Liyue sets sails. Only in being able to do so could he remember every contracts he made.

"That really is like me, who is that guy? I wanna befriend him"

Cale's fam was surprised since Cale never initiated befriending someone.
While Cale

' another person to loot from or maybe an ally that can help me loot others'

He has a ✨sugar daddy✨ like you, specifically your relationship with Alberu being your ATM

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