chapter 19,20

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" hey, guys"

" Oh, um... Hey. Are you okay?"

"Sniff, I got cold. And now I am stuck here and my head is spinning. Well whatever. I will shorten the chapters today. As I promised, we will see how Cale rescues Raon. I wanted to show you the torture chapter but as you can see I am unable to."

" It's okay, little odd girl. This great and mighty me wants to see human saving me again as well"

" Thank you, Raon-nim. You truly are the best"

Everyone was anticipating for the chapter and what would happen in it. Especially a certain raven, who was restless after killing the little dragon. He really wanted and trued to save the dragon after seeing his eyes, the eyes he was so familiar with. One full of dread, loneliness and helplessness.

He still wasn't able to get over the fact that only thing he could do to help the little dragon, burning his life force, was to kill him and end his misery.

Watching the little black dragon, a little child, so happy and a literal sunshine to everyone on side A, got him mixed feelings.

He should have trued more. Maybe he could have thought something in that moment. Do something. Stop being so weak. So useless.

Tcf Cale, the only person who knew Raon and Choi Han's destinies on the other side looked at Choi Han with the knowing eyes

He just knew he was blaming himself. After all, that's what kind of person Choi Han is. Even if the foundation of his character got a bit out of the way, he was still Choi Han. You can't change what makes him 'him'. And that is his stupid persona of kindness.

" I will sit there for a while "

He said and went over to where tboah Choi Han was sitting. Rosalyn, who has gone to get along with tboah Cale, understood what was going on and didn't come back to her seat. She knew that that person would be more capable to take the blame off of Choi Han.

Tcf Choi Han and Alberu didn't stop Cale as well

The two people who were surprised by this was tboah Choi Han and Cale's other self.

" Okay. Let's just start "

Chapter 19 (second part)

"Let's go."

At Cale's order, Choi Han followed the plan and ran ahead quickly, while On started to create fog in the area. Cale was at the center of the fog, making it difficult to see him. At the same time

" Oh, it's us. Look dad we are going to save the youngest, nya"

Hong who got closer with Cake and tboah Choi Han with his other siblings told Cale. He was so happy to see him helping his dongsaeng that he didn't even understand the slip up of what he called Cale.

Cale, who obviously heard it, just acted like he didn't, so that he wouldn't make hong- his son, embarrassed. But you could see from the twitch of his lips that he was happy about the name.

Others who heard it were squilling from cuteness

On, who is obviously sharper looked at Cale after hearing what Hong said, to see how he would react. To see Cale not being able to hide his emotions was really a sight

Cale who saw On's distress, of whether they were allowed to call Cale dad or not, just smiled and patted ger little head.

She took that as a confirmation and rubbed her body on Cale's- on her dad's foot.

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