meme chapter!

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After hearing little chubby dragon's and someone they just found out was an ancient dragon's talk, Bony suddenly announced a break.

" Okay guys take a break now. This is taking to much of my power (seriously I have been writing these chapters for god knows how long, i found out that updating that many chapters are really exhausting). I will also take down a barrier now that I see that you won't kill each other. So have fun, you know about the food and drinks already. Good night."

After that many dragons on both sides went and saw each other, in the waiting room. Eruhaben* and Mila* remembered that they once met in the past. They also met the grey dragon that was mostly sleeping while everything was happening and little pink dragon Dodori* who was excited to meet his self proclaimed younger brother Raon and his other self.

Raon and Eruhaben told other about sheritt who couldn't come here and they were all surprised to find out Raon was the next dragon lord.

Bud, Glenn, Cage and Taylor went to the other side as well. Cage* burst into tears when she saw her dead best friend. And they all had a heartwarming drinking party.

Bud wanted Cale* to join them as well, so he went to look for him and that's when he saw Choi han* talking to him.

Not just him but everyone there was surprised. At first they thought that they weren't close to Cale* because they haven't met yet but seeing hero's party and crown prince* talking to each other like they have known each other for a long time, they changed their minds.

Now what they were wandering was why didn't they know Cale* and why did they avoid him.

They understood that was the reason why many people weren't present on the other side as well. Something happened that made Cale* to not meet them and they... Died. Even children.

So when they saw Choi Han* approaching Cale* they wanted to know what was going to happen. Wanted them to be close and like family as they were.

"Hello , young master Cale."

Cale* who was getting up to drink with Cage* and the others suddenly came to a halt.

"Yes, hero-nim? Did I do something wrong? What is it? Another beat up session? Thank you but I didn't ask for a physical psychologist"

'huh? Beating up?? Choi han* beat up Cale????'

Cale who just heard his talk flinched.
'scary bastard. I will never piss off Choi han.'

Others didn't really move much. They were still analyzing situation.

'Choi Han. That Choi Han who always follows Cale a beast pretending to be a puppy for hi master, beat him up?????'

"I realise that what I did was wrong. Even if you said something very mean, you are stull a child and I should not have used that much strength when I beat you. No I should not have beat you in the first place - he bowed- I am sorry"

Cale* seeing this felt embarrassed, after all it wasn't only Choi Han's fault. No matter what his feelings where, he was in the wrong to say such an awful thing about someone else's family and dead one even.

"I am sorry as well, I was in the wrong too... But I still don't like you"

Choi Han* just smiled.

"Yeah, well my sun isn't rising on you as well, but at least let's not kill each other."
Choi Han*


People who looked at them just gave up. You can't have a logical thinking when it comes to Cale.

At the same moment others were sharing some tips over each other, many got along but many didn't even try to, after all they still don't really trust each other.

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