1st Chapter - Blackmail

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    "You did well today, Sui-chan." said, Y/n. He walked toward her and then gave her head pat. Suisei smiled and pushed her head into his hand as she wanted to get a lot of head pats from him.

     "Say that I am a good girl~," said, Suisei.

     Y/n looked at her while chuckling and then patted her head once again, "Good girl, good girl Sui-chan~"

     But they didn't finish the practice yet. Suisei then got up again after resting a little bit and started to practice again. Y/n is happy that Suisei got her motivation back, she looks even more cheerful after Y/n back to become Suisei's manager.

     But, it is not the end yet. While supervising Suisei, Y/n wondered how can he make the rumor goes away or deny the rumor about Suisei's relationship 

     "I know nothing about their relationship from them at all." mumbled, Y/n. He got up and then moved toward the door, "Sui-chan, keep working hard. I will buy you a drink first"

     Suisei didn't hear that because she was so absorbed with her training. She was really focused, and she didn't hear anything except the music and the song. 

     "Well, let's just go quickly

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     "Well, let's just go quickly." Y/n went outside and suddenly he met two people there. They were the group managers from HoloLive. The first one is M-chan, the actual group manager and the other one is F-kun, who used to be Suisei's manager.

     "Thank you for your hard work," said, Y/n while bowing to both of them. But Y/n felt strange because none of them greeted him back. And instead, M-chan was looking at Y/n intensely. "That was strange"

     After buying a drink for Suisei, Y/n met Sora on the way back to Suisei's practice room. "Ah, Y/n-san~" greet Sora.

     "Sora-cha... I mean, Tokino-san."

     "Fufu. How is Suisei-chan doing?"

     "Well, she is all good now."

     "Ahaha. I never saw her like that you know? She always looked intimidating to other people, but if you are here, it looks like she just became a cute little puppy who followed its owner"

     "Haha. Indeed, she used to cling to me even when we were still in the high school back then" 

     "Eh, really?"

      But, suddenly Sora stopped her conversation and looked away a little bit. Y/n was confused, but... he felt something intimidating watching them, "Having fun?" said, someone.

     Y/n gulped and smiled while looking to his side, "Sui-chan... You finished the practice already?"

    "You suddenly disappear. Is it because you want to meet the beautiful Sora-chan?"

    Sora looked awkward and tried to deny that, "Suisei-chan, it is not. We just met on the way, there is nothing suspicious, really"

    "Yeah, Tokino-san is right, okay. That is nothing." said, Y/n trying to convince her. Suisei took a deep breath,

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