4th Chapter - MY WIN!!!

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    "Give it up," said, someone from behind. I don't know who was there, but i heard this voice somewhere. 

    "Who are you and what do you want?" i asked.

    "Heh, like i want to tell you that." When i looked focused on the screen monitor because i am so afraid that someone will come here, i suddenly saw the reflection on the monitor. 

    I can't believe this. Is that why she? I- I can't look at her, I started to grit my teeth and brace myself to ask her, "What do you want.... M-chan?"

    "Fufu, i see. So, you already knew," she said. She suddenly started laughing creepily, "I win... I WINN!!!"


   "Ugh," I don't want to do this photoshoot with Y/n. And what is so strange about it, Y/n didn't reply to all of my messages from yesterday. He also didn't spot to be here in the meeting room.

    "So, I think Y/n already went to the "COMET" Magazine company right now. And as Suisei-chan and Kazama-kun, you can prepare for yourself to go to the photo shoot"

    "Alright," i said. After that suddenly approached me, 

    "Let's do our best for today, Suisei-chan," he said. This is annoying. But I remember what I promise to Y/n, I have to be nice to other people. 

    "Yeah, let's do our best"

    I went to my changing room and suddenly that crossed my mind that I want to give Y/n a little selfie, "I- I won't interrupt his work, right? I have to be careful from now on"

    I then took some photos, "Ugh... Which one is the best? Will Y/n like this?" I then chose one of the photos and sent it to Y/n.

    Hoshimachi Suisei: sent a photo.
    Hoshimachi Suisei: Do your best, Y/n!

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      "I- I hope he read this and cheered him up" I went outside and then entered the van together with Kazama-kun. There was the driver, my previous manager F-kun, Kazama-kun's manager, and also Kazama-kun himself.

    I don't know why, but without Y/n once again i didn't feel as cheered up as when he is with me.

    "Feel nervous, Suisei-chan?" suddenly Kazama-kun broke the ice and started the conversation.

    "Not really," Sigh, he keeps calling me by my first name. That is so uncomfortable.

    "Well, of course. Suisei-chan is the best idol, after all. You can do this easily, right?"

    "Stop saying that. And why did you keep calling me by my first name? I told you not"

    "Don't be like that, it is just i want to become closer with you, Suisei-chan"

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