Final Chapter - Manager

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     M-chan went towards the stage alone after she left Y/n and his mother. She felt burdened in her heart because of Y/n's mother's request. On the way to the stage, M-chan felt nothing except guilt. It is because of her, Suisei, Y/n's mother, and some people have to feel this way. 

    "I am sorry, everyone. I don't have any choice than this" mumbled, M-chan.

    After that, M-chan came to the stage and went directly toward Hololive's dress room. There were already some people there who were ready for the performance. "Where is Suisei-chan?"

   "She is on the backstage already," said, Sora.

   "M-chan, what about Y/n-san?" Miko asked M-chan. M-chan tried her best to let out her poker face and then smiled, 

   "He is alright, the doctor said he will be okay."

   Miko and the others smiled, "I am glad~" They were cheering up even more after hearing the news from M-chan, "Then let's do our best for the sake of Y/n-san!"

   "Let's gooo!"

   M-chan felt heartbroken, she tried to leave as soon as possible. Because she was the only one who knows the truth. After that, she met Suisei who is already practicing for the concert.


   "Ah, M-chan. Please do your best."

   "You too, Suisei-chan."

   M-chan became silent for a second and after she mustered up her courage, she told Suisei about Y/n, "Y/n is alright. The doctor said, he will be fine. That is why, do your best."

   Suisei smiled while looking at M-chan, "Reallyy??? I am glaad" 

   M-chan is actually afraid when she told Suisei about the lies, but after looking at her like that she thinks that it is better like this that is why she is smiling right now, but  

   "Do you think i would respond you like that, M-chan?"

   "Do you think i would respond you like that, M-chan?"

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   M-chan was shocked after looking at Suisei's face. Her face looks more serious than before, which made M-chan tremble in fear.

   "I knew someone who told me a better lie than this, M-chan. Someone who lied to me and made me hate him for a while, without me noticing that he sacrificed himself for me" 

   M-chan froze up and can't say anything. Her body stood still while her heart beating so fast because she thought that she messed up. "So, your lie for this... is too amateur for me."

   "I- I am sorry," M-chan looked down.

   Suisei's face became sad, "Say the truth. Is he already gone?"

   M-chan can't answer her. It is because even though she wanted to tell the truth, the words won't come out. And because M-chan can't answer that, Suisei left her alone there.

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