8th Chapter - Anger

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    "F-kun, i knew you are the one who told everything to Y/n. Because there is no way he could suddenly know everything about my plan and where i would go."

   "K- Kazama-kun, i-"

   "Say, F-kun. You do really love your girlfriend, right?"

   "K- Kazama-kun, c- calm do"

   "HOW CAN I CALM DOWN IF I AM ABOUT TO LOSE TO THAT BASTARD!!! You are really lucky. His name suddenly becomes worse because his name of course loses against mine. But, what if he has all of the evidence Are you going to bring me down? Say, F-kun. I gave you one more chance if you love your girlfriend, and don't want your girlfriend to be raped by my friends, I gave you one more chance."

    "N- No please, anything but my girlfriend!" F-kun's face became so pale.

   "So, I will let you meet your girlfriend one last time. Before i gave you the mission."

    F-kun became weaker and weaker, he didn't know what to do. And while going to his girlfriend's room, F-kun keeps gritting his teeth because he was frustrated.

   "Chii-chan." F-kun entered the room and then hugged his girlfriend. 

   "Darling. Darling. I am scared," she returned his hug. "Are you fine, honey? You look pale?"

   "Yeah, I am fine."

   They were then spending time together for a while with F-kun hugging her the entire time. "Our time is gonna be out after this," said, Chii-chan.

   "It is alright, Chii-chan. After this, we will be together forever."

   "Is it a promise?"


    Chii-chan then gave a kiss on F-kun's lips. "I will wait for you here even if it takes my whole life" F-kun's face looked saddened and full of pain. He actually didn't want to leave by her side, but...

   "So, your last mission is... KILL Y/N AND MAKE EVERYTHING LIKE YOU ARE SUISEI-CHAN'S STALKER. He is trying to mess with my rumor, and i will just make this rumor usable for me," said, Kazama while handing him a knife and also... POISON. 

   After that, F-kun was leaving the room while crying, "I am sorry, Y/n-san."


    Y/n was getting carried and sent to the hospital with an ambulance, and as for F-kun.

   "You son of a bitch, did you just realize what have you done?" asked, M-chan. But F-kun's face looks like it was already dead, he knew that his life... was already over.

   "Damn it, i didn't know this would happen," said, M-chan. The only people who were left in the amusement park were M-chan, F-kun, and also the members of hololive... Except for Suisei, because she was...

   "Y/n... Y/n..." Suisei looks like she can't still process anything, her face was so pale and her breath was so short. It looks like she was already dead inside, looking at Y/n on the state.

    "I am sorry, Ms. Hoshimachi-san, you can't get closed to him yet. We have to give him space" said, the medical assistant.

    Suisei can't say anything anymore, it looks like her mouth was opened, but no words coming out. She can't even cry because she knew, that even if she cries, she can't feel relieved.

    After going inside the Hospital, Suisei can't go inside the operation room. There, Yagoo and A-chan suddenly came too while looking at Y/n getting dragged to the operation room. Yagoo's face looks surprised and as for A-chan, she closes her mouth out of shock. She can't believe that something like this can happen.

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