7th Chapter - On That Day

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     A Few days passed after that breaking news and incident, but we can't still find Kazama. I bet he is hiding somewhere because he was afraid of getting sent to the jail. Sighed, he should know that jail is much better for someone like him.



    "You are alright today too, right?"

    Yeah, since what happened a few days ago Sui-chan become more and more possessive toward me. She always asked me how I am, if I am eating well and resting well or not. It is because of what happened on the internet. Cyber Bullying, Stalking, and even death threat I got all of that. It is just irony that sometimes no matter what a good thing you did, you will be false in someone else's eyes.

   "I am okay, Sui-chan. Thank you"

   "Ehehe~" Sui-chan then linked her arms and pulled me. "Let's prepare for tomorrow!"

    Ah, tomorrow. We have to promote Sui-chan's concert in the amusement park. Well, it is actually not a good time for everyone to participate there but there is no time, they will be having a concert next week, on the 30th of July and I am glad all of them are doing a good job regardless of what happened for a while.

    Everyone from Sui-chan's group is already here as also M-chan, but I don't know where F-kun is because he is not Sui-chan's manager anymore.

   "You see, here. We will be giving the brochure to everyone with our photos in it." said M-chan.

   "Why don't you take it from yesterday's photoshoot?" i replied. 

   "Wow, that was a good idea." said, Tokino-san. Some of them then sent the photo to my contact. But, I don't need that. You should give that to M-chan, instead.

    "Robocosan, you look cute here" i show them the photo

   "Eh? Really? Thank you"

   "AZKi-san too. You look cute." 

   "Thank you, Y/n-san"

   "Mikocchi is cute as ever huh?"

   "Hahah, Thank you Y/n-san!!"

   Well, everything will be al- "Huh? What is this? You didn't even react to my photo yesterday and you start to compliment other people? Unforgivable." Sui-chan whispered. Well, actually i did look at the photo, but i am too focused on what happened yesterday.

 Well, actually i did look at the photo, but i am too focused on what happened yesterday

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   "Sui-chan, is cute," I whispered at her. But she then looked away from me with her red face. Well, her reaction is cute as always.

   I then took a look one more time. "Uwa, Sora-chan, you look beautiful here."

   Everyone didn't say a word. I then raise my head and look at everyone, they look confused as for Sora-chan, her face was blushing and she tried to avoid contact with me, "T- Thank you, Y/n-san."

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