Tomorrow Will Be Alright

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LiCu didn't know what happened, it was only yesterday when WuXie and XiaoGe visited again and by the time the night rolled, somehow he felt weak, fatigued to the point he just wanted to sleep

  The last time he had felt this bone-deep exhaustion was when he almost died …

  Fear spiked in him yet he can't even feel panic,

  That, or he's slowly accepting the fact that maybe , it's his time to go, since he had lost the feeling of sleepiness months ago

     He stared at himself, as he laid on the floor, not even bothering to fight the sleepiness anymore…

    Then suddenly it's as if everything is too loud, like an alarm ringing just right by his ear

"He's moving his hands"

"Come on YaLi, you can do it"

"Excuse me sir…"

"He held my hand and then he.."

    The voices became muffled, yet he can hear the loud footsteps, the open and closing of the door, then suddenly a very very bright light in his eyes and a raspy guttural groan as he reactively jolt away

"Kid? LiCu? Can you hear me?"

Was that the doctor?

"If you can hear me,can you squeeze my hand?"

Squeeze? Ugh no get your hands off

He can feel the sudden brush of the skin as he lightly swat away the hand



That's something …

He hadn't felt anything for months and suddenly it's all touch and

He can feel …


  He gasped, eyes opening wide, looking around, the beeping sound of cardiogram assaulting his ears as he can feel his breathing pick up a phase, before it slowly became steady beeps again

"Are you with us now?" A doctor asked and LiCu just blinked at him as he tried to open his mouth only for a low rasp to come out ,

  He was poked and prodded,as the doctors and nurses nod at every reaction they got from him,

  LiCu felt every prick and tap and he doesn't appreciate it

  After sometime, the doctor seemed satisfied of the results in his chart and then he called someone in, talked to that someone and then left

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