Part II

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As Prim got in line to collect his meal, I stuffed as much food as I could down my throat as quickly as possible. I stuffed a (piece of fruit) in my pocket for later, knowing I would be hungry after this rushed meal.

While Prim was still occupied gathering his food, I quickly slipped out of the mess hall and left barracks completely. I gave the service police the excuse that I was going for an evening jog. It was plausible, as I was still in my training gear.

I had to get away from Prim. Hopefully, putting a little time and distance between would cool his thirst for revenge. I highly doubted it, but it was the only option that made some sense.

I jogged away from the barracks to give credence to my lie with no direction or destination. Somehow, I ended right back at the market, subconsciously looking for him.

The day had grown dark, most shops in the market had closed and the area had only a few lingering silhouettes making their way through the space. I lost myself amongst the faceless shadows, aimlessly.

Above the remnants of the market scents, a unfamiliar, but alluring scent came to me, pulling me deeper into the market. All of a sudden, my focus was sharp and singular. I had to find the source of the scent.

When it led me to a pleasure house, I didn't know what to do. I only vaguely knew what happened there. My curriculum on those matters were severely lacking.

I finally decided the only thing was to enter the establishment. When I went to push the door open, it was pulled open from the other side away from me, throwing me completely off balance. I fell right through the door into the patron, who was trying to leave.


Instinctually, I caught the body that came hurling through the door. It wasn't a violent collision, but I felt like all the air was knocked out of me. My second heart did a little hitch and started beating. I looked down at her and immediately pushed her away, as if she was scalding to the touch.

She was small, too small to be Yuk, but she was in a Yuk cadet uniform that clung to lovely curves that did not exist on Yuk females, who were lean and muscular. There was still something decidedly Yuk about her.

However, some other things did not add up. Her skin was a golden honey brown, darker than the yellowish tinted skin of most Yuks. And her eyes lack the brightness and color of Yuk eyes. They are hazel, a mix of a Yuk amber and some other species' brown eyes. She was not pure of blood.

I processed all this information in a fraction of a second. The thought that my second heart would beat for a female this disconcerting made me anxious. I did not want to bound to anyone and definitely not this one. I concentrated on my second heart, demanding it stop.

"Sorry. I am so sorry. I was, I was ... I don't know what I was doing. Did I hurt you? I apologize if I did. It was clumsy of me," she apologized, reaching for me to check for injury. Every touch stirred my body and a bulge formed in my pants.

I stepped away. She noticed and drew back. 

"Sorry," she whispered, very softly.

I still hadn't uttered a word and I struggled to get my brain to form a cogent sentence.

"No worries," I finally uttered. "Excuse me. I must be going."

She moved to the side so I could pass. And I quickly made my way out into the night. I forced myself to not look back. My second heart had continue to beat through our brief exchange. As I created distance between us and focused on it, I could feel it begin to slow. I started to jog and then, sprinted away, using all my Lyqa speed, until it stopped completely.

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