Part VI

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It was morning and Qil was still there. It was not a dream. And his second heart was beating and it beat in time with my own heart. I felt no other hearts except his and mine. If he had other lehtis I would certainly feel their hearts too, right?

I was listening intently when he lift my leg and slid in from behind me. I was still wet, helping him ease in to fill me to the brim. I sighed at the sensation of him pulling out and moaned as he returned.

He placed his hand over my mouth and another around my neck as he picked up the pace and pounded into me. My screams were muffled by his left hand, as he guided me to multiple orgasms with his right hand. He jerked inside of me, muffling his own sounds into my halo of curls.

I had barely returned to the ground before he was slapping on my ass. He barked orders as he hopped over me, "Get up. You must shower my scent off you before you report to training."

He was right. I stood up from the bed and he started to drip from inside me. I squeezed my legs shut.

He smiled, like he was proud of himself. He kissed me. It wasn't chaste. It was long and languid, as his long grey forked tongue familiarized itself with me.

"Go," he grounded out, " before I lose myself inside you, again."

The image of him sliding into me, hitched my breathing until he slapped my ass again and got me going. I ran into the bathroom and thoroughly washed him off, but the soap and water could not erase it from my memory.

When I came out of the bathroom, he was already gone. The bed was made and the dress was laid across the foot of the bed. And the iridescent feather heels sat on the floor, next to where it hung.

I got dressed. Staring at the shoes, know I was caught. Although he might not know the dress, he would definitely know the heels that sat at the center of display of the shop named after a Lyqa that was not his lehti, but he definitely knew. 

I didn't have more time to think through the consequences of my actions. The sun started to shine over the horizon. I rushed out to the training field.

I was on my way to my spot, when I saw that it no longer existed. My eyes shifted to the twelfth spot, which was still occupied by 12. And as my eyes ascended, each spot was occupied.

Some of the players has changed spots, but at this point, I was up to four and started settling on the conclusion that Qil had reported me for theft and I had been eliminated. I froze, waiting for someone to approach me and threw me in shackles.

When no one did, my eyes landed on Prim in slot 3, looking angrier than he was the day before. Vy was in slot 2 and she seemed scared to look to her left at Prim. And then, slot 1 was empty.

I waited for Tara to triumphantly exit the barracks to take her spot, but the sun was risen. She did not exit the barracks and I somehow was not in shackles.

Commander Tarq stood staring at me with his arms outstretched, directing me to slot 1. I looked around and stumbled over my own feet, as I tried to get my brain and feet to work in coordination.

Qil came out the barracks right as I turned around in my spot at the top of the class. But he didn't look my way. He cleared his throat to get the commander's attention. My mind screamed, Nooooooooo!!!

Apparently, my fall from the top spot was going to be faster than my ascent to it. My mind processed as four security guards followed closely behind him.

As Qil whispered to the Commander, the guards bypassed me headed straight towards Prim and Vy. Prim shoved Vy at the guards and took off running. The second set of guards hurdled the first set that held onto Vy, as she struggled against their grasp, and chased after Prim.

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