Part V

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Ma'ta hul. What the heck even just happened?

I replayed everything in my mind. She turned left and slipped behind the market. It was suspicious so I followed her, leaving enough space so she wouldn't detect me.

My Lyqa hearing helped me track her light steps along the soft grass path. I heard her remove her starched uniform and dropped each and every piece of clothing and undergarment to the ground.

Not being able to see her, but knowing she was completely unclothed on the other side of the trees, did something to me. Again, my heart vibrated. And I was rushing after her.

When I came out into the clearing, she wasn't there. Her clothes were there. I spun around looking for her, but missing the simple signs until I saw a light footprint and the ripples.

I put two and X together and got her drowning herself. I was out of my boots and coat before I could even think through the missing variable.

Then, when she was naked and squirming under me, I realized only mere seconds had lapsed and she was not in fact trying to unalive herself.

And she squirmed, again. I went from wanting to save her to wanting devour her. From there, it was all a dream.

I could still smell and taste her. And I wanted more.

Ma'ta hul.


Ma'ta hul.

I don't know where I'm going. I just needed to get away. I needed distance. My anger started to fall away as I got farther away.

I thought of the threat I had issued and giggled. I am losing my mind. When I got to the edge of the woods, I turned right and lost myself in the market.

I didn't want to think about anything, but my mind raced with everything. I thought of his tongue and his fingers and his cock. I thought of his Lyqa lehti and his Somii mistress and his sobering insults. It was making me dizzy and nauseated.

I found myself, once again, in front of his shop. I don't know what came over me, but I punched right through the window. As an alarm went off, I gingerly stepped through the display.

I plucked the feather heels from the display. Further in the shop, I spotted a dress of tiny diamond-shaped metal scales that couldn't be seen from outside. It drew me deeper into the shop. The chain link dress was iridescent, but in lighter shades of purple and teal. I lifted it up from where it hung with my index finger and quietly slipped out the back door, while security arrive at the front.

I tucked the dress into the top of my uniform and concealed the heels in the pants of it. I walked back to the entrance of the market from the back of the shops. I made it to the barracks just as the gates were about to be locked.

Again, I was skirting behind buildings, making my way to my room. I was grateful for once that it was tucked away at the very back of the facility.

I quietly opened the door and backed into my room. I softly closed it, watching the hallway to make sure no one saw me slip in. I inhaled a breath of relief. When I turned around, I strangled it out at the sight of Qil in the middle of my room.

He held out the hilt of my knife to me, daring me to make good on my threat. I grabbed it and launched myself at him in one move. He grabbed my wrist and twisted me in midair. I was gently deposited on my bed and pinned down by his weight ... again.

We do all of this in complete silence. He stares in my eyes, as he tightly squeezes my wrist until I drop the knife. He nudges it away with his knuckles until it fell between the bed and wall.

"So where we left off, I had just finished giving you more, but I hadn't yet had chance to give you all," he purred near my ear. He was so close, I felt the heat of his breath and smelled the mint of his words. He shifted and his bulge had my gaze shifting from his face to where our bodies met.

He stilled and I refocused on his face. His expression had changed. It has flipped from seduction to curiosity. He switched his position to hold both wrists in one hand above my head.

Before I realized what was happening, he was reaching inside my uniform. I held my breath in anticipation, but then, he was pulling the dress I had just stolen from his lehti's shop from in between my bosom.

Would he recognize the dress? Please goddess, no, I silently prayed. He tilted his head at me, but didn't call me a thief. He gently let it slip to the floor.

My mind immediately thought about the heels in my pant legs. I slowly dragged my free leg up the left side of his body, making sure to keep my leg between him and the shoe. I wrapped my leg around his muscular thigh, drawing his bulge closer to the juncture of mine. I arched up and grinded against him. I watched the passion turn his amber eyes gold.

His hold on my wrists slackened, but by that time, I forgot who was seducing who. I held his face as I kissed him. My fingers slid over the stubble of his head. The tickily sensation setting off every nerve ending in my hands. His soft lips and long tongue sent me in a daze.

He pulled away and looked deeply in my eyes. It looked like he was catching his breath.

"I need all. Ma'ta hul."

"Yes," I moaned.

I kicked off my boots. And he was peeling the jumpsuit in one deft motion. Neither of us noticed the heels falling to the floor. I yanked his shirt over his head, as he blindly unhooked and pulled my bra. I unlatched his pants and pushed them and his boxers down his thighs to release him. He sprung out of his pants.

He pulled my panties to the side and filled me in one swift thrust. The pain and tightness caught us both off guard. He froze and looked at me.

"Sorry," he choked, as he tried to remain still.

But the pain quickly subsided and I start fidgeting in an attempt to scratch I felt building in my core.

"Please stop moving," he begged. "Your body needs to adjust. The pain will subside. I can't ... "

I squirmed, as he tried to talk. I enjoyed the slow torture that creeped across his face. His eyes were tightly closed, as seemingly even the sight of me might send him over the edge. I giggled at his discomfort and his eyes popped open.

"The pain has subsided and I need you to move," I instructed as I rolled my hips under him.

He exhaled as he slowly pulled out until only the tip was inside of me. He slid back in slowly rubbing against the back of my clit. Now, I was feeling the slow torture.

He slowly picked up his pace. Our breaths were in sync. We climbed the hill in lockstep, he reached between our bodies and sent us walking over the edge together. He came inside me as my pussy pulsed around him, drawing out every last bit. All of him.


I was in heaven, which would mean I was dead, but both my hearts beating. The one in perfect sync with hers. I don't know when it started beating.

Anyway, I wasn't dead and I was hard, again. I came back to life inside of her.

I turned us so she was on top. She sat up, looking down at me and running her fingers over my abs.

I took the opportunity to take all of her in. I tore her panties off her so I could see every bit of her.

She lifted up on my penis and slammed herself down, taking in all of me. I let her dictate the pace until I couldn't any longer. I lifted her up. I held her hips, bringing them down as I thrusted my pelvis up, stretching her.

She fell forward and I buried my head in the crux of her neck, inhaling her scent. I held her close to me. Everywhere her body touched me, I felt double the sensation.

When her core pulsed around my shaft, I let go, releasing the pent up energy. I was back to thinking I was dead.

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