Part VII

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I stood up, picking her up as I did. I gently cradled her against my body. I sat her up on the bed and tapped at my com to order food.

I could not let her out of my sight, yet. She still looked ready to bolt at any moment.

Food quickly started arriving at the door. I brought her tray after tray. Once she found something she liked, I ordered more of it until she ate her fill.

It gave me immense joy to watch her eat and feed our babies. It boggles my mind how much my life had changed in a few days. How much I had changed.

Then, Qin just started bawling. I asked her what was wrong, but I struggled to string the words together between her sobs and wails.

"I ... graduate. What if ... destitute? I need ... Academy. All ... gone."

I cleared the bed of trays and crawled on it with her. I picked her up sat her on my lap. My chest warming her back and my arms wrapped around her. I tucked her head under my chin and intertwined my large finger with her delicate ones.

"Shhh. I promise you will graduate. You will not have to worry about a thing. You will have the Academy, but you will also have me. You will have everything you desire."

On my last word, I felt her drift into sleep. I wasn't sure if I convinced her, but I would keep repeating myself until she did.


I was awakened by dreadfully loud snoring. I pulled away to turn and look at him. I couldn't imagine sleeping in bed every night with someone snoring like a whole cacophony.

When I was able to dislodge myself from his cocoon, he was peaking out of one eye and smiling, while he continued his charade of snoring like a polar bear.

I hit his chest and he laughed. He wrapped me back in his cocoon.

"Were you contemplating murdering me in my sleep," he chuckled close to my ear. The rough timbre of his voice sent chills down my spine and I was immediately wet for him.

I turned in his lap and straddled his hips. He immediately turned serious. With my hands on either side of his face, I pulled him into a deep, sensuous kiss.

He pivoted us until I was pinned under his body, never breaking the kiss. His hand roamed my body, working me up into a frenzy. Our clothes seemed to dissolve away, until we were skin to skin.

This time, he took his time entering me. I tried to buck my hips to get more of him, but he held my hips and smiled down at me as he drew the pleasure out.

When he was buried to the hilt, he rested, pausing inside of me. I took the advantage and started flexing my walls around him. He pulled back to look me in the face. It was my turn to smile up at him.

When the smile crept across his face, replacing his surprise and concentration, I held on. He pulled out slammed back in. I watched where our bodies joined. The pace picked up. The sound of our thighs coming together and my wetness filled the room, along with our combined scents. I felt like I was transcending my body while I was feeling every touch and breath and movement, all at once.

He used his body to apply pressure to my nub of pleasure and I orgasmed like fireworks. One would end and another would explode. It kept going as he jerked inside of me, filling me to overflowing.

When the last shiver subsided, I listened to his heart beating with mine. They went from racing and slowed together to calm a pitter patter. And then, I heard the faint beat of our baby's heart inside of me, as our hearts slowed to match its beats. My mind still raced with doubts and worries, but they were flooded out by the sound of our three hearts beating as one.


It was a whirlwind. I graduated from the Cadet Academy, as Qil had promised. And I had managed to remain at top of my class. My little one seemed to bring the Yuk out in me, as I fought to protect them by any means necessary.

But first, we went to the Academy Ball, where I wore the chain link dress that hugged my curves and barely covered my bits. It sparkled against my glistening skin. The scales danced across my nerve endings.

Plus Qil would not relinquish his touch the entire night. Mostly, he rested his massive hand on the bare small of my back. He supported me as I actually managed to balance myself quite well in the iridescent leather feather stilettos that I learned he had made ... for me ... with his own hands ...  that day ... after seeing me on the sparring mat. The thought made me imagine the feathers as his fingers sliding up my calves. I couldn't drink, but all the sensations were very intoxicating.

After the graduation ceremony, we were on the next flight to Lyqa to meet his family and give birth.

For the first time in my life since my mother passed, I was seeing other women. It seemed his brother and his friends had a thing for Earth females. One had actually made the dress that I wore to the Ball. Their presence alone filled and reassured me. Everything was going to be okay.

Throughout this time, Qil and I were learning each other, falling deeper in love and harmony.

When I gave birth, I felt safe and at home in Qil's arms. His whispered I love yous eased our baby into the world.

And fate had its way.

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