The storm

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Usagi flicked open the small notebook he found, and started to read out loud.
"11 February, 2022 14:05
This storm is crazy, due to it, the crew and I have been stuck inside for days. We are currently in the basement of the new lighthouse on the hill surviving on the food rations. We hope the storm will let up soon."
"This place has a basement! That is epic!" Usagi squealed.
"I didn't know that and I have been here all month." commented his grandpa.

He took a big breath before continuing to read.

"12 February, 2022 11:46
Yet another day has passed and the storm is still going on. When I tried to climb up the ladder and open the hatch a wave of water came on me, soaking me and my now unusable phone. It must be flooded outside. I can't even check the time from my own phone anymore. This is now my only source of entertainment. I wish there was something else that I could do down here."

Grandpa chuckled before stating, "Your generation relies on technology too much."
Usagi stared at the floor while fiddling with his silky brown hair, not bothering to deny the statement. Deciding to change the topic, he quickly blurted out, "Putting that aside, look at the drawing that he drew, it is a little messy but it is artistic and creative!"
He pointed at a mess of lines that resembled a slime like thing with eyes and a kind smile.
"I think it is the sea, but from other angles it looks like the forest." Usagi explained to his grandpa who seemed to not understand what was so special about it.

He sighed before flipping the page and reading aloud once more.

"February 13, 2022 17:59
It is dark and scary in here. My crew and I are praying that the storm will leave. I am scared. It has been a week and no one has came for us. I am starting to go crazy."

Usagi was rather irritated with the sudden stop in the diary.He flipped the page and looked at the endless void of lined paper. He placed it down on the floor and tucked his cold hands into the pockets of his jeans.
"By the way gramps, I've been wondering, what storm?"
"What do you mean?"
"I monitored the weather in February and there wasn't a single drop of rain that month."
While the two of them stood in silence a bang from the carpet that Usagi was standing on interrupted their thoughts. Recalling the last sentence of the diary, Usagi grabbed his gramp's hand and was about to run out when the latch came undone.

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