What to Keep in Your Backpack?

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Well, this may seem like a slightly useless section, but trust me, this is quite important ;)

First of all, you need a good sized backpack to keep all of your school supplies- I would recommend a backpack with two straps, rather than a messenger bag- they aren't as large, and also, it can strain your shoulder :(

OK, in your backpack, here are the essentials that you should have in it:

Books and Homework

You may want to go crazy and take all of your stuff home, but from my experience, only take the things you need! If you take extra weight home, it may make you feel stupid (and your parents may begin to worry).

Like I mentioned in the other section, keeping a planner would be a good idea, because then you'll know what books to take home.

Sadly, books can be quite large and sometimes, you'll need several of them in one night. But try to take home only what you need!

Extra Supplies

Girls, we're talking periods here. Sometimes, you may get your period in the middle of class, so if that happens, you can be sure that you have extra supplies in your backpack. If you don't have anything, ask a fellow female for some;)

A Change of Clothes

If you have your period and you bleed through, for example, you can have a pair of shorts or pants in your locker so you can change into them!

Lol, that reminds me of a time when that happened to me, but I'll cover period stories in the "Your Body" section of this book:)


Don't leave old food in your backpack! It gets all moldy and gross! (I know from experience)

Clean out your backpack once a week or so, to make sure you have nothing useless in there! :D

Otherwise, I don't think you need all that much besides what I mentioned above- if you have any more suggestions, comment them below, and I'll add them in!

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