Tim Drake Hears About Stephine's Death V:1 P:1 from the perspective of Tim

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I jad just gotten home and out of the shower when I the phone rang. I quickly pulled up my pants and rushed to pick up the phone before it stopped ringing.
"Tim? Is that you?" said a British voice.
"Hey Alfred! How's it going? "
"Tim, I'm afraid I have some bad news. "
The next words worked like magic over time and everything slowed down. The phone slipped out of my hands and started to make it half way to th e floor before being pulled back up by the twisted cord that held it all together and hitting the desk over and over again.
Do you know what it's like to watch yourself break. It's like being someone else looking in.
I watch myself drop to my knees and listen to the animal-like half sobs half moans coming out of my throat, "NO!" I scream, the cracking words echo in my ears,"THA-THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! BRUCE WOUld never......."
And that's when something snapped inside of me.
What if he would? Bruce was the one that fired her. Bruce was the one that didn't train her correctly! BRUCE WAS THE ONE THAT DIDN'T BELIVE IN HER! HE WOULD! HE WOULD! HE WOULD!
I looked up. There was a hole in my wall from where I had punched it. Blood ran down my fist and I knew I had punched incorrectly. But I didn't care. It had felt good. I punched again, and again, and again, over, and over, and over, one fist after the other. Blood dripped on to the carpet and soon I hit air.
I looked up again. I had punched right through the wall and into the guestroom on the other side.
"Tim?!" my dad rushed into my room. I can only imagine what I looked like.
"Dad," I sobbed. He rushed over and scooped me up in his arms.
"What happened Tim?"
"Stephine, " I whispered.

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