( B.R ) Over The Fence

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I had just moved to the valley a few days ago along with my little brother, Scotty. Making friends had been slow for the both of us since we moved about two weeks before school let out, so I wasn't surprised that neither me or him had any yet.

Scotty had said something to me earlier that day about following some kids after school to a sandlot that was not too far from our house. I was glad he told me though since I hadn't seen one on our way into town, so I decided to check it out.

The sun hadn't gone down yet so I grabbed a bat, a ball, and placed a baseball cap onto my head and walked to where Scotty had described.

Once I walked through a little path filled with grass and trees, I found myself in a big spacious field. It held a lot of room for playing, and the exterior was cut off by huge metal fences.

It probably could have been a lot easier to play when other people were there, but I decided just a little practice wouldn't hurt.

I stood by home plate, still examining the place. It was like Scotty had described; like a baseball kingdom or something.

I threw a few balls and attempted to bat, most of the time hitting them, but they never went as far as I intended.

I threw the ball higher this time, quickly getting into position and watching the ball drop,


I watched the ball soar into the air and fall right past the huge green fence.

I sighed, running over to the fence now realizing it was much bigger the closer I got. I shrugged nonetheless and began to climb it.

I wasn't too far up before I heard the sound of running footsteps and they seemed to be making their way closer to me quickly. Before I could turn around to see what the source was, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me down.

I nearly fell backwards but the mystery pair of arms caught my balance. I was plainly confused why someone had just pulled me down from the fence, I hadn't even seen anyone when I entered the field.

I turned to face a tall, swarthy figure belonging to a boy who looked to be around my age. He had dark hair and enticing brown eyes. There was just something there that made him attractive; but his eyes narrowed once I had turned fully, probably taking in the fact that I wasn't a boy.

I pointed to the fence, about to question him before his euphoric voice spoke up, "Erm.. look, I'm sorry about your ball but you can't go over that fence."

"I'm fully capable of getting the ball, you know." I said, my brows furrowed. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, sort of shaking his head, "I wouldn't doubt that."

He continued, "Unless you feel like getting killed today, I wouldn't go over that fence."

I was still confused, but something about his tone made me want to believe him. "Who are you?" I asked dumbly. He smiled a little, "I'm Benny. And you're.. new to the neighbourhood?" He questioned.

I smiled back at him, "I'm sure you can just call me Y/N."

He looked around a bit before speaking again, "So, you're into baseball?" I nodded in confirmation. "Y'know instead of just playing here yourself you could come by and play with me and the others."

I raised a brow, "Others?"

"Yeah. If you want to we all meet behind Vincent's at 8:00." His eyes averted away from mine.


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