Warlock of Omaha By Hemaccabe Chapter 1: Breakfast Time ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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(Warlock of Omaha Author's Welcome and Warning

I have just updated the story with editing and polishing as of 2/3/2019. I am now adding this to wattpad now in 2022.

I was happy to find a large and healthy community of fellow fan authors of Dresden Files fanfics. I'm new to the world of fanfics and was surprised that so many stories focused on Jim Butcher's main characters. I just assumed that in a fanfic, one would create new characters that would exist in the same world and that's what I have done.

My story has violence, but if you can handle the actual Dresden Files, then mine shouldn't be too bad. My story has sex. Once again, should not be too graphic for a Dresden Files fan. Some may ask questions about why my main character does what he does sex-wise, some questions he answers himself. As an author, my goal is to be honest. If one handed the average male some sort of lucky charm that could instantly convert nearly any woman into his personal groupie, how many would never use it? How many AT LEAST once? How many a few times? How many would use it to extreme? I think the average Axe aftershave commercial answers that question.

There will also be boring parts while my main character describes his gear, particularly his guns. You were warned in advance. That brings me to my first disagreement with Mr. Butcher. Mr. Butcher seems like one who knows a bit about firearms. His characters select firearms that make sense for their own personal abilities and situations. However, he consistently understates their potential effectiveness. Yes, there are many scenes where firearms prove their metal, but there are also many scenes where they seem far less effective than they should. One should have to be very high on the magical food chain before one could ignore a trained human shooter with a shotgun. Of course, he has over a dozen NY Times bestsellers, what do I know?

The other issue is magic. Mr. Butcher's conceit is that there could be this whole rich ecosystem of magical critters hiding in the shadows. My main character explains my counterargument:

"Magic is very rare in the real world. If it was common, why would every medium be fake? Why wouldn't there be real magic stage shows? If there was, say, a pack of fifty werewolves hanging out around Denver, that would mean there would be thousands in the US alone, not to mention the rest of the world. Don't you think one would have shown up on Jerry Springer by now? There is magic, but real magic is rare as hen's teeth. Which is why the mundane world is not prepared for it and someone, with even a small gift, can really play with it."

Mr. Butcher seems to believe that normal people work hard to ignore the fantastic. The wide variety of tv shows in the real world seeking ghosts and other paranormal phenomena seems to speak the opposite. The Dresden Files are very well read. I would imagine practically every reader would love to find even the slightest evidence of real magic. Hence my argument that magic would have to be painfully rare.

Perfectly conceived or not, writing a fan fiction shows that I am obviously a big fan, and find Mr. Butcher's writings very entertaining, which is the ultimate test of a fiction book's worth and authorship.

This story represents a bridge between my world of a single unpublished novel and Mr. Butcher's and is meant to be a tribute of my esteem. I offer it here as a gift and my deepest hope is that you enjoy it.)

Warlock of Omaha

By Hemaccabe

Chapter 1: Breakfast Time


I live a good life in Omaha. Omaha isn't the place to go for cosmopolitan entertainment. The restaurants aren't very good for many reasons, not least the way so many Omahans like a chain and the pre-cooked slop that gets shoveled off the back of industrial food delivery trucks to serve in them. The shows aren't great. Even when a big Broadway production comes through, you have to realize that the star talent stayed in New York. The top Broadway talent stayed with them. The B team that accepted positions in the road show, they're still pretty good and will give their best for shows in Miami, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco and especially LA, never know who might be in the audience there waiting to discover the next big star. But Omaha? We're lucky if the B team's understudies bother to telephone in a performance by the time they get here.

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