Warlock of Omaha By Hemaccabe Chapter 17 Don't Forsake Me ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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Warlock of Omaha

By Hemaccabe

Chapter 17 Don't Forsake Me


I called a war council.

I had kept Tamar with me in the garret all night. I brought her down to the dining room the next day. Tamar wore a silk kimono which was much more modest on her than it had been on Brenda.

The girls were surprised but seemed happy. Introductions were made. Tamar actually managed to eat a bit.

"Tamar will be joining us for a bit. She'll be staying in the suite next to Miranda for now. Diane, maybe you can loan her something to wear? Miranda, please take her shopping and get her some clothes and basics. Tamar comes to us with no possessions. Tamar, otherwise, please stay here at the house."

There was nodding all around, so I knew I'd been heard.

I called Jake and Travis. I told them Tamar was awake and they should come to the house ready for a trip and a rumble.

I used the time it took them to come over to pull my gear together and load the truck. I was loading for bear.

When they got to the house, I explained, "Cassie is awake. Her real name is Tamar. She, like Travis, was a servant of our adversary. She has given us a general location for him, it's the best she has. I believe our best option is to track him to his lair and deal with him there once and for all."

They were nodding in grim agreement.

"From what you said before, he might kill us there?" Travis asked.

"Or worse," I answered. "But I believe this is our best chance."

"What about Tamar?" Jake asked. The way he said "Tamar" was awkward, like he had to consciously change the name in his head from "Cassie."

"She will be staying here." I answered.

"What if she's lying to us?" Travis asked.

"That's a very real possibility." I answered, "There are no certainties here. This is what I think the best course of action is. However, this is not a military unit. I am not the master, you are not the slaves. If you disagree, tell me. If you have a better course of action, please say it. That said, we're not getting much stronger just sitting here, but he's building a new army of hell only knows what. If we wait here, it will hit us like an avalanche. He almost had us at the cabin. We've been trying our luck for some time. The next time will probably be the last. We can run, but I doubt there's anywhere we can go that he can't find us, and when he does, we'll be out in the open like rabbits. We can sit still, dig in our defenses as hard as they can get, and die where we stand. Or we can go. We could be walking into trap. Or we could catch this thing unawares and his defenses may still be so strong that we break on them. But I think that's our best option. Our best chance. What do you two say?"

I looked at them. They didn't look happy, but they nodded their agreement. I noticed Jake was wearing his motorcycle jacket and Travis was wearing his car coat. Travis had his Five Seven in an appendix carry under his coat on his left side. The knife I made him was hanging on his right hip. Apparently, Travis had made himself a nice leather sheath for the knife. They were both wearing their boots.

We loaded up. Travis put his rifles next to Baby in the gun rack. He kept the P-90 in the truck. Jake kept his bat close to hand. I drove us to the Costco, and we filled up on gas. Then I had Travis drive and we ran by the small Mexican place nearby and bought about ten pounds of burritos and giant sodas before we jumped the nearby on ramp for I-680 and headed to Denver.

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