We cut to see the city in ruins. 2086 Thunderbirds 1 and 2 continue to hold up the tower blocks, still crumbling at their bottom. The Thunderbirds won't be able to hold the towers forever. Jonson's Thunderbird 2 holds another tower up. But his tower is crumbling fast! CRUNCH! BANG! BOOM! POW! SNAP!
Jonson spoke over the radio " Dylan, the support in this tower is not going to hold forever. Is there any support you can have?"
Dylan was struggling him self "Kieron is on his way in Thunderbird 1. Hang in there, Jonson. You got this."
Jessie: spoke up to " Jonson is right. We won't be able to hold these skyscrapers up forever."
Hanson spoke up next " I expect the military will take care of the rebuild of Argus City when the time comes. Could we try to break the towers back to their position?"
Jessie sighed "I doubt it would stay up if we did. It's like having a bone taken out of your body and putting it back in without the correct procedure. The job won't be done properly."
Dylan look around " The best situation might be to let the towers fall naturally. Once the bathyscape is clear that is."
CRUNCH! KABOOM! KABANG! Jonson's tower tips much further!
Jonson look at his console as red light shine all over " I need support! Now!"
Kieron arrives in Thunderbird 1 overhead. " I'm just in time for you Jonson." kieron calls as Kieron fires his grapple at the tower, and he too begins to hold it up. It helps support it, but again, it will not last long.
Jonson sighed "Thanks, Kieron. I think that will help."
Apps in Thunderbird 4 carefully cruises through the underground river. Kallan in her Thunderbird 4 arrives at the danger zone, followed by Stingray close behind.
Kallan soon spoke "Thunderbird 4 and Stingray vessel have arrived at danger zone."
Apps smiled " F.A.B. Kallan. It might be best if you guys stuck out there. There isn't enough room for all of us to fit down here."
The bathyscape has shut down all its machinery. Their feet are in the small pool of water around them. Air is also beginning to become short of.
Dr. Zod: look around "Ugh! We are drowning in water! It won't be long before it reaches our heads."
Dr. Remond look at him "International Rescue are on their way."
Dr. Zod look worried " It's getting... getting stuffy in here. Our air supply is running out. We'll die of oxygen starvation first before we drown."
Dr. Remond yelled as he was a bit angry now at zod " Then shut up and save your breath. The more we move and talk. The quicker we use up the air."
Apps carefully drives around through the underground rivers, with the position of the bathyscape tracked on Thunderbird 4's scanners "Almost there. I hope those men can last out. " apps calls out
CRUNCH! KABOOM! KAROAR! The tower held up by Kieron's Thunderbirds 1 and 2 is going down very soon! It keeps slipping further and further in spite of the support. "Kieron! Kieron! This tower isn't gonna last!" Jonson called
Remnant of the Thunderbird's season 3 (on hold)
Aventurethis book is a part 2/ spin off to Remnant of the Thunderbird's season 1 and 2 as we get to see what happens to international rescue with all that going on as we see old villains and friends return and new villains and friends also come in to...