this book is a part 2/ spin off to Remnant of the Thunderbird's season 1 and 2 as we get to see what happens to international rescue with all that going on as we see old villains and friends return and new villains and friends also come in to...
so we had info on the team amour and then the pods
here is there ships
Kieron ship Thunderbird 1
Thunderbird One. The craft has a sharp red nosecone, along with a cylindrical silver body, and a powerful blue engine. It has 4 variable-cycle gas turbine engines; 4 booster rockets; 1 variable-mode engine operating as a high-performance sustainer rocket for launch or boost as a variable-cycle gas turbine in flight. There is even the pitch and yaw jets; 20 forward and 25 rear. It also has a pair of small sweep wings on the sides of the craft, and the cross shaped bottom is positioned in the manner of a plus sign. It is 115ft tall, with a 80ft (35m when the wings are extended) wingspan, and a body diameter of 12ft. It has a definite underside and topside when flying horizontally; the underside has only one VTOL variable-mode jet engine operating as a rocket or variable-cycle gas turbine hover jet, while the topside has "THUNDERBIRD" written down it, completed by the "1" painted on both sides of the blue coloured section. The interior goes from the nosecone to the wings. The pilot's chair is located at the front, near the nosecone, where the windows are. There are no front facing windows, with the aerodynamic nosecone taking up the entire front.
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Jonson ship Thunderbird 2
Thunderbird Two, the workhorse of the fleet. This craft is a green colour scheme, with white writing of its name on either side of the cockpit, and the number '2' on the tail section, and the T2 on the wings. The craft has 2 variable-cycle gas turbine engines operating as turbofans at low speed and supersonic combustion ram jets at high speed, with 12 variable-cycle turbo-ram cruise / trim jets in the tailplane, 4 VTOL turbofan jets in the main body, and 4 VTOL chemical rockets in the landing legs. The ship is 60ft tall (110ft with the pod lowered), while being 250ft long, with a 180ft wingspan. It has an atomic fusion reactor for its power source. Thunderbird 2 is comprised of two parts: a framed superstructure and a pod. Thunderbird 2's frame incorporates the cockpit, wings, and fuel tank near the vehicle's front, and at the rear the engines and the tailplane, which serves to aid lift and stability. Two stilts are located each at the front and back of the craft to hydraulically lift the craft upward, allowing for the clearing of the pod. Its middle is hollow, to fully accommodate one of the six pods that is required for the mission. Each pod is equipped with undercarriage for a smooth landing for the ship, and contains a huge capacity for storing the rescue vehicle that is needed. The craft is, however, completely capable of vertical takeoff and landing without the pod, but has less integrity this way.
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