Chapter Thirty Eight: Adjustments

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(Hey guys, Amber here. I'm getting started on not only the end of this story but the beginning of my very first non danganronpa story. Picture this:

It is about a psychologist, Dr. Sierra Moon and her client and niece, Margaret. Margaret had just escaped an abusive 8 year relationship with her ex Jimmy Boyle. But as she is now separated after 6 months, Jimmy is becoming more and more dangerous as his attention switches from his ex-fiance to the doctor who took her away. Will he be able to make Sierra one of his many crimes or is he about to learn just what Dr. Sierra Moon is made of?

So follow me if you guys want any notifications on when it comes out.

That is all. 💗)

Once the morning announcement had played once more, Kumiko stretched her arms. She felt herself hit the wall behind her before a resistance registered against her wrist.

What the...

Looking up, she saw the cuffs attaching her to her bed partner, Hiroko.

Ah, now I remember. We were handcuffed and now have to find the keys if we wanna go back to normal.

"Ughh, morning Kumiko. You ready for the day?" Hiroko said, stretching.

"I suppose. Since it's going to be difficult getting dressed, do you just wanna go out like this?" Kumiko suggested.

"Yeah, I'm not ready to fight with fabric this early. You wanna just brush our hair and teeth?"


Getting up, the two went to the bathroom. Kumiko began brushing her hair, braiding it, while Hiroko brushed her teeth. Then the two switched, Hiroko giving Kumiko a spare toothbrush.

"Let's go to the cafeteria and meet everyone. You got your meds?"

"Yup!" Kumiko patted her pocket, which contained her medication.

Leaving Hiroko's dorm, the two went down the halls, their cuffs clinking together. Along the way, they caught sight of a familiar duo up ahead.

Waving her arm, Kumiko shouted. "Hey guys!"

Akiko and Gin turned around and saw their friends. Smiling, they walked back to meet their allies.

"H, hey guys. How are you this morning?" Akiko asked.

"Eh, could be better but also could be worse. How are you guys?" Hiroko answered.

"Uh we're alright. Hey Hiroko, I wanted to apologize for flipping out on you when we found those kids. I realize you were trying to remain calm and rational, and my response didn't help." Gin spoke.

"It's OK Gin, I didn't enjoy making that call either. But the sooner we find an exit, the sooner we can get those kids and ourselves out of here."

"Heh true. Now let's go to the Cafeteria and meet up with everyone."

Arguments put aside, Gin and Hiroko were getting along once more, leaving Akiko and Kumiko to chat.

"A, any ideas where the keys could be?" Akiko stuttered.

"No idea. The keys change locations daily according to Shockbolt. So we're gonna have to search the entire school everyday." Kumiko summarized.

"It sounds like a pain. Well the quicker we find them, the q, quicker this ends right?" Akiko smiled at Kumiko.


Without much to talk about, the four made their way to the cafeteria.

Once entering they came across Misaki thumb wrestling Ryozo and winning aggressively while Aiyanna was... comforting a bawling Kaori?

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