The offer

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Hey guys! I decided to split up the chapter I've been working on into multiple pieces so that I could give you guys a faster update. A shorter chapter is better than no chapter  Sorry for taking so long but thanks for being patient! Happy reading <3**

My head throbbed, drool crusted at the corners of my mouth, and my limbs had apparently decided they needed to lose weight via sweating profusely. As I woke from my poor sleep, I recognized the scuttle of feet and the murmur of many voices. The sound of a vacuum machine being switched on and a muted shout from further in the house brought all the memories of last night back to the surface, and I shot up from the couch.

Or, well, I tried to. In my attempt to leap to my feet, I hadn't realized that someone had wrapped me like a mummy in a fuzzy, fleece blanket. No wonder I was sweating so much. These boys were attempting to murder me.

I collapsed to the floor with a startled yelp, unable to stand due to the tight tucking of the blanket. Like, seriously, I could barely shift my arms.

My head hit the floor, and I let out a pained groan as stars floated in my vision. When they cleared, I found an amused face smirking down at me.

"Everything all right?" Axel asked, poised above me in a black suit and sage green button up. His hair was tucked behind his ears, and he brushed a thumb over his lips to hide a smile. He was too beautiful to look at this soon after waking. He didn't have a drop of sweat on him, by the looks of it.

Ugh, why was this my life?

"Yeah," I grunted, twisting around on the floor to help loosen the blanket. "Peachy."

Axel seemed inclined to let the subject drop and nodded at the kitchen. "There are waffles and bacon being kept warm in the oven for you if you're hungry. Once you've eaten, I was hoping I could have a quick word with you in my office?"

His words were phrased like a question, but I heard the command in his tone.

Finally free of the blanket, I huffed out a sigh of relief and shrugged. "Sure. And then maybe we can talk about letting me go home?"

His mouth quirked, and he released a husky laugh which sent heat to my cheeks. "Yes, we can."

Feeling better knowing I might get out of here soon, I hopped up to my feet. "Um, okay then. I guess I'll just…" I made an awkward sort of thumb dance in the direction of the kitchen. "Eat."

Axel blinked. Once. Twice.

After the third time, he cleared his throat. "Yes."

My cheeks blazed hot as coals, and I quickly spun around and headed for the kitchen.

I hadn't actually realized how many people were in the house, but there must have been at least twenty. Most were deep cleaning the floors, walls, and other surfaces. Probably making sure there was absolutely no evidence of last night's attack left behind. There were even several men and women installing new windows.

I wondered where the guys were. Had they stayed with me last night or had they gone to bed once the movie ended? Someone had obviously stuck around to mummify me.

Though, the more I thought about it, the more I realized they were probably still sleeping. Lucky them.

Carefully stepping over a pile of swept glass and debris, I tiptoed into the kitchen and found a plate and utensils. There were several homemade waffles being kept warm inside the oven, and I carefully took a few off without taking the platter out. I didn't know if the others had been up to eat or not, so I decided to keep the oven on.

If the house burned down, then that would be their problem. And maybe a solution for me.

Even as the thought crossed my mind, my stomach rolled with knots. And I came to the unfortunate realization that I didn't actually want to see them harmed. How did that happen?

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