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Adella cracked her eyes open, expecting to see Luisa beside her, but there was only an empty spot.

She frowned and slowly sat up on the empty bed, and saw a note that was on the empty spot.

Adella raised a brow in confusion and picked it up, sloppy handwriting was scribbled on the paper.

Hello, pequeña ciruela. If you're reading this, that means I either got up early or you overslept and I didn't want to wake you up. I will be in town doing some chores in case you're wondering where I am.

I also made sure to save you a plate of food in the kitchen. It's in the oven, staying warm until you get it. Mama will most likely be in the kitchen so she can tell you where it is.


Adella sighed and crumbled up the note before climbing out of the bed and going to her ripped-up dress.

"I can't put that back on.." Adella muttered to herself and walked over to Luisa's dresser.

There were mainly loose shirts, skirts, shorts, and pants.

"Her clothes are so bland-" Adella froze as she found a bright pink dress with strawberries covering it. She lifted the large dress and blushed as she found a slit down the middle of the dress, where her chest would be.

"I would kill to see Luisa in this!" Adella exclaimed and put the dress back. She just got an oversized shirt and some shorts with pockets and she grabbed her satchel. She doesn't want Luisa to see the piece of Bruno's vision with her.

Adella yawned as she walked out of Luisa's room and headed to the kitchen.

There were a few questionable stares but she just quickly shrugged them off. Adella walked into the kitchen, and as the note said, Julieta was already prep cooking for dinner tonight.

"Good morning darling," Julieta hums without looking up at the doorway.

"Uh..good morning...how did you know I was there?" Adella questions.

"Mmm, motherly instincts I suppose. I'm sure you read Luisa's note?"

"Yeah, I did. She said there was a plate of food in the oven?"

"Mhmm, she saved you a plate. Here, I'll get it for you." Julieta kindly said and grabbed the warm plate out of the oven and placed it on the counter, along with a fork.

"Thank you, Miss- Julieta." Adella corrected herself as she walked over to the plate of food.

Julieta giggled and nodded. "Of course, enjoy your meal," Julieta said and kissed the temple of Adella's head.

Adella blushed and cleared her throat. Julieta's eyes widened slightly and she looked away.

"I apologize...I should've asked first. Again, it's just the motherly instincts in me, I guess. I used to give my girls kisses and cuddles when they were younger....but they are getting older so I'm not able to do it as much." Julieta explained and sighed. "I'll stop-"

"Oh no, it's fine! Trust me, I don't mind it at all! It just caught me a little off guard." Adella says and poked some eggs with her fork. She scooped up some in her mouth and groaned lightly.

"You're an amazing cook! I need to take some tips from you!" Adella exclaimed as she eagerly took another bite.

Julieta giggled and brushed the compliment. "Oh please, you should mix it with bacon! It's truly delicious." Julieta says as she grabbed some flour and a bowl. "I would love to teach you some tips on cooking."

||𝑫𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚, 𝑰 𝑮𝒐𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒂|| {Luisa M. × Plus Sized OC} [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now