Poptarts & Painting

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When Bucky woke up, he was excited to tell Steve what he remembered. He got ready and went to meet Steve for their morning run, but right before he left his room, he remembered that it was Sunday. They didn't run on Sunday because of all the other exercises they do.

He looked back over at his nightstand to check the time. There was still a long while before team spar, so he decided to write down the new memory.

Bucky kept a journal that he filled with memories. He never wanted to forget his life, even if it had been filled with misfortune. It was his life and there were good parts. She was most definitely a good part.

He had written down every piece of her that he remembered. Every tiny detail. Every word they shared. All that he had recalled.

And now he could add the first thing to her physical description. The red-headed fighter ballerina.

His red-headed fighter ballerina.

Time passed as he sat, noting down every detail of the memory. The noises of the forest. The shape of the bird. Every flicker of her eyes that still remained colorless blurs to him. He read through his older notes, adding to certain parts where the memories had become more vivid.

A knock came from his door, making him blink out of his daze. He went and opened it to see Steve standing there.

"You ready Bucky?" he asked.

"What?" Bucky said, furrowing his brow. He then looked back in his room, checking the time and noticing that it was already time for training. "Oh. Right, yeah. One second."

He closed his door and went back over to the desk to put away his journal. He knew that no one would go through his things, but he couldn't help hiding it.

"Alright," he said stepping out into the hallway and closing his door behind him.

Throughout training, Bucky had a hard time focusing. At one point he was so zoned out he hadn't realized Peter snuck up on him. When the boy made contact with him, he flipped him, slamming Peter into the ground so hard the sound echoed through the room.

Peter jumped up quickly, promising that he was fine. He just thought that Bucky wasn't paying attention, to which Natasha told him to never assume that your opponent wasn't paying attention.

Natasha continued to avoid Bucky as much as she could, and she was thankful to Clint and Wanda who helped her. 

"Let's do some one-on-one sparring now," Steve suggested.

"Great," Sam said, "I can finally destroy you kid." He looked over at Peter.

"No destroying," Tony said.

"I'd like to see you try," Peter challenged, heading off to a corner to spar with Sam.

"Hey Tony," Pietro said appearing next to him, "I will not use my powers and if I win you will buy me something?"


"You will buy me something to prank Clint with?"


The two of them went off for their sparing leaving Wanda, Steve, Bucky, Clint and Nat. Clint and Nat were about to go spar together when Steve stopped them.

"We should all try and change up our pairing, don't you think?" he asked.

"Alright," Clint said, "Who were you thinking should pair up?"

"Well, everyone can choose their own pairs, but I was hoping we could work together," Steve said.

"Cool," Clint said, walking away with Steve to train.

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