Chapter 2 "Guest?"

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Dreams POV:

I wake up with a huge headache and a lot of...Yelling? "That's odd" I think to myself, getting out of bed I change into something more

comfortable and head downstairs. "Guys?" I say in question. I literally see my brother and his team in the base and Ink and Blue cooking.

"The hell is going on?" I say sounding annoyed. "Language Dream! Also I invited them. We made a deal!" Blue says smiling. "Great, well I'm going on for a walk." I said walking towards the door. I feel someone grab my arm and turn to see it was Ink. "Dream you have to stay!" He says looking at me, I guess he was pleading or something. "But I-" I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"It better not be Bill and 404" I think.
"One minute Ink please let me go you have guest." "Oh right!" Ink say looking at the couch "Whose at the door?" Killer says. I ignore him kinda, shrug my shoulders and crack the door open to see those annoying parasites "Hey Dream you feel like-" I close the door before Bill can finish. "Dream that was rude." Nightmare says looking at Dream kinda shocked.

I roll my eyes and look at him knowing what I say is about to be even ruder "Wow I'm surprised you know the word rude considering how rude you are" I say turning away from the group of shocked skeletons "Dream, why are you being so mean today?" Blue says frowning. ".....I don't know something feels wrong," I say opening the door.

"Hey Dream how ya doing? Ya kinda closed the door in my face." Bill says dragging 404 in. "I never-" why do I always get cut off? "Dr3@M yØü kñøW tHø$3 2‽ Error says in shock "Wow who knew you would be friends with your brother and his team?" 404 says smirking. "My brother hates me 404, you should know that." I say putting my boots on. "Dream you know he's right there, right?" They say at the same time. "Yep, now where are we going?" I say looking at them.

No One's POV:

"Dream you can't leave!" Blue says, "Yeah we're gonna play some board games!" Ink says munching on some chips. "C'mon Bo- DREAM!" Bill says sweat dripping from his skull. 404 chuckles and looks at the others "Yeah we'll play for a bit," Dream, Ink, Blue, Bill and 404 had sat around the table in front of the Bad Sans who was on the couch.

"Now what game to play?" Ink says looking at the others. "Monopoly?" Cross says looking at the others, they all nod and Ink goes to get the game. "It feels like I have to puke.." Dream mummers to 404. "Shit, Bill bucket Now!" Bill quickly teleports a bucket in front of Dream making the others confused.

"Did I miss anything?" Ink says carrying Monopoly. "I think Dream is sick!" Blue says concerned. "I'm not-" Dream stops in mid-sentence and throws up blood, goop and flowers. "What the fuck?!" Dust yells "Dream you ok now?" Bill says looking at Dream "W-What do you think?" Dream says while wiping his mouth(?) "Wait that kind of looks like Bosses goop."Horror says looking closer. "Your right Horror" Nightmare says looking at his, the goop in the bucket then at Dream.

Nightmare's POV:

He wouldn't? No he can't....I think. "Here let me get you some napkins" Bill says getting up and going to the kitchen I guess. I wonder how Dream knows them...doesn't he know their killers, also did Bill almost call Dream "Boss"? "Nightmare are you okay?" Blue says looking at him with concern "Yeah, I'm fine let's play some board games now." "Yes!" Ink screams. Dream is hiding something not just from me but from Ink and Blue and I want to find out what he's hiding and why..

This story probably makes no sense whatsoever but ya'know I don't really care. I will make a story on how Dream met Bill and 404 I don't know what the title will be but I know I will make one so this story can make since somewhat

~Sl33py_Demøn~ Out

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