Chapter 4 "Shattered and H@te"

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Shattered Talking: Bold
H@te Talking: Bold and Underlined

Dream's POV:

After the others left, it was very awkward like very awkward. Blue and Ink just kept staring at me. "So Dream, Do you actually hear voices? Or are you lying?" Blue says in wonder. "W-Why would I lie!" I stummer.

I'm not the type to lie.

"I mean if you were " Hearing voices" you would've told us."
Ink says with a hint of sarcasm. "I just didn't want to tell you guys because of the way I would put it!"
I thought you guys would believe me, b-but you guys don't because I'm supposed to be THE STUPID " GUARDIAN OF POSITIVITY"!" I yell with tears coming out of my sockets.

" Dream-" "No I'm going in my room" I say running up the stairs. "DREAM WAIT!" Blue yells. "Just let him be Blue." Ink says
putting a hand on Blue's shoulder.

In Dream's room

Walking in my room I flop on my bed not knowing
I'm drifting to sleep or so
I thought.
Waking up in a black space is not unusual to me, but seeing two different types of me is very unusual.

"Hi?" I say slowly. "Hello Dream, we are the voices in your mind.
I'm Shattered, I hold all of your
negative thoughts." Shattered says.
"So your like my brother?"
I question.
"Exactly." He says. " Oh I'm H@te,
It's pretty simple, I'm just
made upof all ofyour hate." This version of me is all black but is out- lined red.

"Okay, I'm guessing we're in my mind?" I say looking around
seeing nothing but black. "Yup." Hate says walking towards me.

"Ya'know you seem pretty chill about meeting the voices
you've been hearing." Shattered says. " I knew I was gonna
meet y'all sooner or later." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Damn your about to wake up soon, ya fading away." Hate says.
"Ah ok then, it was nice meeting you Shattered and Hate." I say waving. Then I woke up, sighing I get out of bed and go downstairs.

No Ones POV:

"Dream are you ok?" Blue ask looking at Dream coming down the stairs. "Huh, Oh yeah I'm fine, I'm gonna go for a walk ok?"
Dream says walking to the door, putting on his boots and grabbing his house key.

"Okay, just call if something happens." Blue says acting like a worried mom. "I will." Dream says and left.

In the middle of the woods

"It feels like I'm being watched." Dream thinks to himself "Stay on gaurd Dream."
He hears Shattered say. "I will Shattered." Dream mumbles not paying attention to his surroundings.
Out of nowhere blue strings wrap around Dream.

Error's POV:

"What the- ERROR!" I hear Dream yell my name "W@1+ wAIt I jUs+ w@nT tØ tAlK¡" I scream putting my hands up in defense. "To talk? About what" Dream ask suspiciously. " VØ1€3$! +h3, ¥øuR vØ1cEs!"
I say putting my hands down " Thats it? My voices?" Dream says looking at me. " Y3$, 1f iT'$ f1N3 wiTh yØu?" I say.

"Sure, let me down first." Dream says looking at my strings.
I let him down and speak. "L3+'$ T@lK $øMeWμeR3 +hAts nØt øU+ iN th3 o₱3n, yEah?"
Dream nods, I open a portal
and walk inside with Dream behind me. "W3lcØm3 to tHe pL@Ce 1 ca// hOm3, +hE AnT1-Vø1d" I say sitting on my bing-bag.

Dream's POV (it's gonna be short like very short)

"Shattered is it possible for me to bring Error in my mind?" I think. "Yeah he just has to hold your hand and fall asleep with you"
Shattered says. " How he has Haphephobia?!" I think not getting a response from Shattered.

Error's POV:

I stare at Dream whose not saying anything. "T@lK1nG tØ ¥oUr vØ1cEs hUh?" I say snapping
Dream out of his thinking. "O-Oh yeah now I know you might not like this but in order for you to
meet these voices I have
to hold your hand so we can go into my mind."

Dream says. I tense
up then sigh, " F1n3 I'll tRy nØ+ tø cr@$h, bu+ f1r$+ l3+'$ t@lk @bØu+ høW LøNg yØu h@D +HeSe vØ1cEs." I say opening a chocolate bar "Alright but what we talk about
in here stays in here don't tell no one I told you this info."
says and I nod ready to hear how someone like Dream has voices like myself.

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