Chapter 6 "Friends?"

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I have finally got the motivation to do Chapter 6, I'm proud of myself. I didn't think a lot of people would read some lame story that I made for fun. Anyways enjoy this Chapter, again thanks for reading the story that I thought people would put hate comments on :)


No One's POV:
Dream had woke up to something crushing him, he looked down and sees Error cuddling him,
which was surprising to say the least.

"Error, wake up."

Dream whispers still slightly shocked.
Error opens his sockets and screeches "oH $h1+¡" then crashed. Dream chuckles, "Looks like someone didn't know he was a cuddle bug."

Dream stayed put so he wouldn't make Error crash again.
An hour later Error woke up from his crash, "mY b@D Dr3@m"
Error says while rubbing the back of his skull.

Before Dream could respond Ink burst through the door "DREAM!-  Am I interrupting something?" "NO! No not at all Ink, we er-"
Dream says while trying to come up with something, Error sighs " No+h1nG h@pPeN3nD sQu1D, iF tH@+$ wH@+ yOuR
tH1nK1nG yØu fUcK1n w3r1dO."

Dream looks at Error then Ink.

"He's right, we only watched a few movies, I didn't know he slept over"

"O-Oh, okay then"
Ink says slowly closing Dreams door "Wait-
Didn't you need something Ink?" Dream says getting
out of the bed "Ah- well I was gonna tell you it's your turn to cook breakfast-"
"Oh we'll be down in a minute"
Error says looking at Dream surprised

"Well yeah you can leave without eating"

Dream says going to his closet. "Dream what are we having for breakfast?" Ink asked "Chocolate waffles, eggs and bacon, why?"

"Oh no reason, well I'm gonna go take my vials now, BYE!" Ink says dashing out of the door. "Well that was weird.." Dream mummers while
throwing a white hoodie and black shorts at Error.

"That should fit you, it's an XL." Dream looks back in the closet and
takes out the same thing just in a large.
"You can change in my
bathroom, also you can keep those." Dream smiles.

"+HaNk$, ßU+ Af+eR BrEakF@$+ i'M Le@v1nG, €aN'+ ße h3Re @Ny lønG3r"

Error stated while standing up and walking over to the bathroom door. "Oh that's fine,
we can hangout somewhere else if you like" "W@1+ h@NgØu+¿"

"Yeah! Isn't that what friends do?" Dream asked confused "wE'Re fR13nD$?!"

"Well yeah I just figured that since I told you about my voices
and that you came over, we're friends but we can start off as
acquaintances if you want."

Error was speechless so he did the one thing he could do-



and crashed.

"Oh stars, not again" Dream hurried up and got changed and sat with Error until he had awoken.

"uGh, wH@+ h@PpEn3d?"

"Oh you crashed when I said we are friends. Now go get dressed I need to cook breakfast"
Dream said walking over to his bed and started fixing the sheets. Error got up and went to the bathroom to get changed.
A minute later he came back out with his clothes in his arms.

  "Nice! Just put your clothes in my hamper and I'll wash em before we leave"
Dream says opening the door "Now let's get downstairs so
I can make breakfast, I need you to follow me so you don't get lost."

"aLr1gH+ i'M cOm1nG ßeH1nD yØu." Dream and Error walk down the stairs towards the kitchen to see
Blue about to cook.

"BLUE! We talked about this, today is not your cooking day."

"Sorry Dream- is that Error?" Error was to busy looking around around he almost bumped into Dream.
"Error, buddy stop before you bump into something or someone." Dream says startling him.

"Go sit down I'm about to start breakfast."

"1 Pr3feR s+@¥iNg ße$idE yØu, +hAnK$" "Oh- That's fine I guess."
Dream then starts cooking making the smell go throughout the base. "Dream is it done yet?" Ink whines
"I just started cooking Ink, be patient."

After a while Dream finished cooking and served the plates. "Enjoy guys."
As soon as Dream stopped
talking they dug in.
"gOdDaMn +H1s 1s gOød!" Error says scarfing his food down. "Error slow down"
Dream laughs not before coughing up some flower petals.

"Gee I need to go see Sci about this.." Dream mummers "You gOød?" Error asked still scarfing down his food. "Yeah! I'm fine, let's eat cause afterwards I wanna show you
something that you might like."

"LoØk1nG fOrw@Rd +0 1T I GuEsS."

"I would join but me and my brother are gonna hang out today, even
though he's lazy." Blue groans.
After breakfast everyone went their separate ways.

"Okay Error here's the place, from the millions wrappers
of chocolate bars in the anti-void I brought you here!"
Error looks inside and sees chocolate everywhere. "+h1$ 1s lIk3 hE@VeN, +H@nKs."
Error opens the door as they enter.

Well I'm done with chapter 6 I swear it's gonna get more angsty I promise but for now let's let Dream not suffer :> Hope you guys like Chapter 6!

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