Chapter 126: The End?

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Chapter 126: The End?

"The end."

Headmaster Mickey waved with Fantasia. Many of them stayed. Most told stories. Everyone wept. But as the stars turned, Fantasia went to sleep.

And Mickey Mouse, was alone.

"Well. The end. And a very happy ending." Backtracking, Mickey stargazed down Pirate's Point. The constellations outshone themselves. But, something brighter pulled Mickey's gaze from the stars.

"What is that?" Mickey peered. Something flickered on the beach. Something with an icy glow. "What is that magical light?"

Mickey tiptoed from the path. The light flickered again, and Mickey was excited. He imagined it was fairies. Or Will O' the Wisps. Or a rouge star.

But it wasn't.

It was a laptop.

"A laptop?" Disappointedly Mickey poked the screen. "A magical laptop?"

It seemed improbable. Laptops weren't magical. But...stranger things had happened, and most of them quite recently.

Curiously, Mickey settled before the laptop. He searched the monitor.

And then, he knew the laptop was magical. Because strange, hex-ish words filled the screen.

"Fanfiction?" Mickey murmured, scrolling down the page. "PM? Message sent? Message...message...where is the message?"

Mickey leaned. His nose touched the screen.

There was a message. A little box. Addressed to three people.

Mickey read aloud.

"To LadyAnne23, HeartofGold7, and Micatony. Hi guys. Don't get mad - yes I did it. I entered a FF. So now I'm stuck here and need you three to write me out. ty."

Mickey scratched his ears. "Write out? Write who out? And out of what?"

There wasn't a plausible explanation. Sighing Mickey shrugged. "Must be a spell. Better bring this laptop to Merlin."

Then he heard it. His ears pricked. Carefully, Mickey listened.

Someone...was singing.

Leaning, Mickey balanced the magical laptop on his knees.

And suddenly, he saw the singing person.

It was a girl.

Mickey blinked. How strange. He hadn't noticed her before. But there she sat. Cross legged. Just singing.

Mickey gulped. The girl was holding a mouse. A computer mouse.

Guiltily, Mickey eyed the magical laptop. If it even was magical. Regardless, Mickey knew he should leave. Slip away. And bring the possibly-magic laptop to Merlin.

But, he couldn't.

Instead, he listened to the girl sing.

"It's good to see the sun, and feel this place...this place I never thought would feel like home...and I ran forever, far away...and I always thought I'd end up here alone...Somehow, the world has changed and I've come give you back the things they took from you...And I feel you now, I'm not alone...I'll always know where you are. When I see myself I'll always know where you are."

Mickey smiled. He couldn't stop. Just as this girl couldn't stop singing.

So, magical laptop against his tummy, Mickey invited himself to the girl's side.

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