Chapter 24: Intermission Rumors

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Chapter 24: Intermission Rumors

"I heard the professors are going to teach us how to use all this magical stuff."

"I heard those fairies and dwarfs are going to teach us too."

"Coach Phil said he's going to teach us all to fight."




"Yeah...they're brining in an expert or something."


"Why do we need to battle? Why do we need to learn how to fight?"




Wendy rubbed her arm. Rumors were spreading like wildfire. It scared Wendy that the professors, mingling with the students, were not trying to correct the rumors or stop them.

Closing her eyes, Wendy leaned against the wall. Her stomach hurt. She tried not to think about her upcoming turn with the Magic Bag of Tricks.

"It doesn't hurt or anything, Wendy. Don't be nervous."

Wendy opened her eyes. Rapunzel was smiling at her. Tiana, shuffling through a stack of restaurant brochures, glanced up.

"No, it doesn't hurt." Tiana said, returning to the brochures. Holding the stack beneath her chin, Tiana unfolded a brochure for O'Mally Cat's Jazz Club. Frowning, she inspected the 'Employment' section. "Just annoying. Waste of time. I could be doing anything else right now."

Unsatisfied with the brochure, Tiana shook her head. "Minimum wage. Pathetic. Where is Jim? We have to fill out one of these job applications while the Benbow under construction."

"Jim's taking Michael to the bathroom." Wendy said. She stared up at the ceiling. "He'll be back in a – oh!"

Wendy jumped from the wall in surprise. Laughing, Peter Pan rolled backwards off the ceiling as Wendy released her chest. She hadn't expected Peter's face to appear above her head.

Floating down, Peter was joined by Flynn, Lana, Cordelia, and Adella. The three mermaids flung long locks over their shoulders in a sea of perfume as Flynn approached.

"Little high-strung, there?" Flynn asked as Wendy smoothed curls from her eyes. "Rel-a-jar Senorita! Relax!"

"I think..." Rapunzel moved closer to Wendy as Lana, Cordelia, and Adella whispered rudely. " mean 'relajarse.' The 'j' is silent and the tense is the 'you'command form."

"Same tense if you want to say something like cállate..." said Tiana, glaring over her brochures. "...or cierra la boca. Or cállense if I was talking to all of yall."

Flynn swung his frying pan, smiling through his confusion. But Lana popped out her hip challengingly. "What's that suppose to mean, Braniacs?"

Wendy frowned. Her stomach hurt. "'Shut up.'"

Lana's nostril's flared. "Excuse me?"

Wendy clenched her stomach through her hoodie. "It means 'shut up.'"

Flynn almost dropped his frying pan. Chocking on a laugh, he hid behind the pan. "Burn!"

Lana's eyes flashed. Then, she smiled. Sweetly she turned to Peter Pan. "You were right." Hands on her hip, Lana returned to Wendy. "Point for the prude."

Michael suddenly appeared. "What's that?" he asked, weaving between legs. Grimly, Jim followed, his hand at Michael's back. "What's a prude?"

"Don't say that, Chief." Jim said. Angrily, he glared at Peter. Then at Lana. "Don't ever say that again."

Suddenly, Michael caught sight of Peter. "Hi!" he said, remembering Peter from the day before. Excitedly, Michael waved. "You can fly!"

Cockily, Peter back-flipped. He grinned as Michael squealed. "I'm pretty cool, huh?"

"Yeah!" Michael reached upwards. "Teach me! Teach me!"

"Or." Jim knelt, placing his hands protectively over Michael's belly. "Why don't you ask the nice flying wonder to give back what he stole from me."

Threateningly, Jim turned to Peter. "Or else I'm going to kick the crap out of him."

Amusement lit Peter's face. Unhurriedly, Peter retrieved the metal orb from his pocket.

"You want it?" Peter asked, holding out the orb.

Lana and Adella giggled as Peter scissored upwards.

"Then come and get it. Rat-Tail."

"Go get it!" Michael urged happily, tugging Jim's jacket. This game looked fun. "Go get it, Jim! Go get it!"

Jim clenched his fist. He started to rise.

"Back to the auditorium!" Dr. Doppler and Master Cogsworth called. Master Donald quacked at lollygaggers. "Back to the auditorium! Only a few more students to go!"

"Awwww. Maybe next time." Head bumping against the ceiling, Peter pocketed the orb. "Later, Losers. Oh, hey Girl...!"

Wendy looked up. Peter winked, noticing the hand on her stomach. "Good luck up there! Watch out when you stick in your hand in the Magic Bag of Tricks – it bites!"

"No it doesn't." Jim glared as Peter swooped through the auditorium doors. Fuming, he returned to Wendy. "Asshole."

Wendy stared quietly at the floor. When she didn't reprimand his language, Jim relaxed his tone. "You ok?"

Wendy nodded. Her face was flushed. She looked about to be sick.

"Hey..." Gently, Jim punched Wendy's shoulder. "Come on. You slapped that creep silly. Off course he's going to be a jerk. You actually going to let him get to you, Slugger?"

Wendy smiled. "No."

"Ok." Jim said. Taking her shoulder, Jim guided Wendy off the wall. Together they followed Michael into the auditorium. Headmaster Mickey was waiting. The Magic Bag of Tricks shown brilliantly in his hands.

Wendy's stomached flipped. She saw Peter Pan, blowing spit wads, from the corner of her eye. Lana, Cordelia, and Adella were pointing and giggling in her direction.

"Jim..." she asked as they passed Gaston and Facilier, "...Jim, do you you think that the Bag of Tricks...does bite?"

Jim mouth twitched. Wendy was in all respects the most mature girl he had ever met. But, at heart, she was still a frightened, innocent child.

"No Wen. I don't think it bites..." Jim said, ushering Michael into the aisle. Before sitting, Jim looked his best friend in the eye. "...but if it does, I'll come rescue you. Ok?"

Wendy grinned. "Okay."

Jim nodded. "Unless you slap it first."

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