Chapter 90: The Hidden Kiss

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Chapter 90: The Hidden Kiss

The Darling household was dark. And quiet.

Even in the glorious evening, the house sat morbidly in the red sunset.

Peter and Wendy landed on the window ledge.

Glass fogging with his breath, Peter pressed a cheek to the pane. It was frozen shut. Leaning back, Peter scraped away the ice with his heel. After three kicks, the window opened.

Balanced perfectly, Peter placed two hands inside the room. He inspected each sunlight detail with a midnight glare.

It appeared safe. At least...unoccupied.

"Green light." Unabashed to the danger, Peter jumped in. "Shadow!" he called, flying to the door. "Oh Shadow!"

"Peter! Peter, wait!"

Peter turned. His hand slipped off the doorknob as Wendy tugged his shoe.

"What?" he demanded, reaching for the door. "It's all clear."

Wendy tugged harder. "You don't know that! Oh Peter you don't know that! Your shadow – I think that it must be downstairs but – "

"—Swell." Coldly, Peter turned his shoulder. "So stop talking and let's go get my shad – Wendy!"

"It could be dangerous!" Wendy whispered, yanking Peter down. Paper scraps – the cadavers of Wendy's stories – crunched as he dropped. Irritably, Peter picked a piece from his sole as Wendy blocked the door. "When I came the other night – after the ball – after...after my father—"

Shaking her head, Wendy stumbled to complete the sentence. "—Peter he knew about Maleficent. And he was waiting for the pirate – the man with the metal hand—"

"—Captain Hook."

"—Peter!" Wendy begged, pressing against the door. "Just because it's quiet up here, does not mean it is safe downstairs! They could be still there, waiting –"

Peter took Wendy's shoulders. He tried to move her. "—So you'd dive back into the Underworld to save Rat Tail, but you're too chicken to go down one flight of steps in your own home to get my shadow?"

Wendy bristled. She tried to push Peter's hands. They were tangled under her camisole straps. "That was different! Jim is my best – "

"—Yeah, yeah. You're best friend. I KNOW!" Anger spiked through Peter. Wendy gasped as he slammed her against the door.

"Best friend. Best friend. Best friend. Ha! Well, you know what I think Wendy Darling?"

The sunlight boiled red on Peter's face as he hissed into Wendy's lips. "I think Rat Tail is more than a best friend. I think you like him. I think you want him. I think you want him a lot. A whole Hell of a lot."

Wendy's mouth dropped. Enraged, she tried to lean back, but her head hit the door. "I do not! Jim is – "

"—I swear to fucking Fantasia if you say best friend one more time—"

"—but he is!" Wendy struggled but quickly accepted that Peter was too strong. Angrily, she tried to protest. "Jim is—"

"—stop it!"

Wendy twisted, only to be jerked straight. Peter was clenching her so tight she could feel his heartbeat against her chest. Livid as the fire in Peter's eyes, she hissed back.

"I love Jim, I do, and I will always love him. But as a friend! And no matter what you say or think Peter Pan, Jim is not my boyfriend, not my suitor, and certainly not my lover! Jim is and always will be my– "

Peter dove.

Wendy's head hit the door. Blood swirled up from her heart, into her ears, and exploded in a thousand crackling fireworks behind her eyes.

Peter...Peter Pan...

...had attacked her...Wendy Darling...

...with a kiss.

Sunlight blazed like a red passion flower, drowning Wendy's startle as Peter pressed closer. Gently, his hands released her but Peter held Wendy in impossible bondage.

Hungrily he kissed her, devouring every sensation like a wolf.

Then, Peter smiled.

His heart soared over the Wishing Star as Wendy slowly kissed him back.

But the smile cost Peter. Dearly. Loosened back to reality, Wendy's eyes opened.


Peter jerked back, Wendy's hands on his chest. Breathing both heavily and rattily, he stared, trying to see Wendy through the fireworks spinning in his head.


The door opened. Red light spilled like blood as Wendy fell backwards into the hands of a dark man.

Or...rather...the hand of a dark man.

Because one hand, was a hand, closing over Wendy's face like spider.

And the other hand...was a...


Rage as he had never known hit Peter Pan. It screamed like a dragon trying to claw itself out of his heart. Stepping over Wendy's ripped story pages, Peter lifted into the air like a demon out of Hell.

But Captain Hook only smiled.

Sudden as a snake, the pirate squeezed Wendy's jaw. He yanked, exposing the whiteness of her throat and drawing a prick of blood in a single motion.

Peter stopped. Powerless he hovered, watching Wendy's blood drip down the crooked hook.

Captain Hook's eyes burned blue, daring Peter to come closer and swearing that the little girl in his arms would die if he did. Peter's eyes burned black, with the helpless rage of defeat.


Wendy gasped against the hook smearing blood over her throat. "Peter...go. The window."

Peter never considered Wendy's plea. Not for a second. But, even if he had, Peter would never had been able to escape.

Because Facilier's shadow flew through the window.

And handed Peter Pan to the pirates.


sultal's note: art by DA artist Silence-in-November. Her work is great for PeterWendy shippers.

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