Chapter 37: War Games (Wendy)

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Chapter 37: War Games (Wendy)



"Don't touch – "

"Look ou-!"


Jim jolted, missing Wendy's outstretched hand by a hair. Arms thrown back, the two fell backwards onto the forest floor.

"I'm sorry!" Wendy clutched her wrist. Twigs matted her loose curls. "I didn't know it was you! I thought Peter – Jim! Jim you're bleeding!"

"Don't!" Jim jerked as Wendy reached a concerned hand. "Tag, remember?!" He mopped the back of his skull. Blood. Fingering the thick, warm gash, Jim mutilated Peter Pan inside his mind. "Damn it."

Wendy stared at Jim's red fingers. She felt sick. "These horrid war games! Nothing helpful is coming of it. People just keep getting hurt!"

Wendy climbed upright. The thimble and needle glared against her hoodie. "Jim we have to find the finish."

Jim pushed to his feet. "Fuck the finish. I need to get to the headmaster. Wen – I saw monsters!"

"Monsters? Wha – "

"I mean monsters. Monsters! Two, just came out of – "

"Jim! Behind you!"

Jim spun. Wendy screamed as a rock pelted him in the stomach.

"Nothing personal!"

Doubled over, Jim looked up. He ducked just as Tinkerbell hurled another rock.

"Nothing personal, Looser!" Tinkerbell sneered as the rock struck Jim's shoulder. Wings humming, she aimed a third shot. "But no one messes with Pan except me."


Unable to touch, Wendy hovered over Jim. Her heart bled as he rocked back and forth, clutching his stomach. "Stop! The game is to tag! Only to tag! Are you – "

"Insane?" Tinkerbell giggled hysterically. She hefted the rock. "Psycho? Yeah, little miss goody prude."

Wendy's eyes widened as Tinkerbell drew back. "I'm totally out of my mind!"

Wendy screamed. The rock sliced through the air. Like a knife, it hit her forehead. Pain radiated behind her eyes and across her skull. Blood smeared into her vision.

Tinkerbell screeched with laughter as Jim wrenched upright.


"You better run!" Tinkerbell shrieked. "Because you sure as Hell can't fly! Here I come!"

Blindly, Wendy ran. Crashing through the forest, rubbing blood form her eyes, she quickly lost sight of Jim.

"Ready!" Tinkerbell maneuvered behind her.

Wendy fumbled for her spool of thread. The forest was thinning.

"Aim!" Tinkerbell screamed, reaching for her head.

Wendy squeezed the spool of thread. Please do something!

"FIRE!" Tinkerbell screamed.

Suddenly the forest stopped. The trees were sliced away, and the earth emptied into a ravine.

Wendy buckled. And as Tinkerbell blazed over her head, Wendy grabbed the pixie's outstretched hand.


Writhing, Tinkerbell clawed at Wendy as she clung to a mess of roots curled over the ravine.

"NO! NO! NO! YOU – "

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