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late at night, under the moon.

a dark red bentley was parked outside the apartment building, the cab was pushed open, and a man in a white suit got out of the car, and the clothes reflected a white light in the moonlight.

the man went around the co-pilot very quickly, opened the door, propped one arm on the car, and bent down to help the person inside out.

the man's slender figure was very thin, and he also wore a white shirt, and standing with the talented man, there was an illusion that he wanted to merge into one.

in the shadows under the porch of the apartment, yuan zheng quietly watched them, ye nanzhou and the strange man.

the strange man seemed to want to help ye nanzhou into the apartment, but ye nanzhou waved his hand, as if to thank him.

the two said two words, and the strange man patted ye nanzhou's right arm, and then left first.

in the silent night, ye nanzhou watched bentley slowly sail away, turn around and slowly walk back.

yuan zheng paced out of the shadows, and the night seemed to be a layer of cold frost for his black eyes, and the extremely gentle eyes that were usually very gentle on xiao budi were cold without a trace of temperature at the moment.

ye nanzhou walked inside, his throat was a little itchy, he couldn't help coughing, and saw him slightly surprised: "ah zheng? why are you here? waiting for me? yuan zheng felt like there was

a fire in his heart, burning compassionately in a corner, but he had to hide it in front of ye nanzhou, for fear of being discovered by him and being snubbed by him.

he opened his lips as if he were going to say something, but didn't say anything, and his cold eyes returned to their previous temperature: "well, i'm a little worried about you, let's go."

without waiting for ye nanzhou to say anything, yuan zheng turned and walked in to inquire and press the elevator. <

the two men stood one after the other, silent.

there was no one else at this point, and the original security guard in the hall was not there, so quiet that the sound of the elevator rope sliding up and down with difficulty could be clearly heard.


it didn't seem to weigh, it seemed to be crumbling.

the elevator arrives and the doors open slowly on both sides.

yuan zheng did not move, and from ye nanzhou's point of view, he could not see whether he was wandering or deliberately waiting for him to go first.

in short, ye nanzhou took a step forward, and then said softly, "let's go."

yuan zhengcai was like a robot that had been lit on and off, steadily keeping up.

on the floor where ye nanzhou pressed, yuan zheng was standing behind

his shoulder.

it was not easy for him to drink wine, but his face became more and more cold and white, only the end of his eyes was flushed, and when he looked down, the redness at the end of his eyes was very obvious.

ye nanzhou was a little sleepy, and his voice asked hoarsely, "is the baby going to sleep quickly today?" or are you talking? "

hmm." yuan zheng just whispered in response, a little absent-minded.

ye nanzhou was a little tired today, his palm slightly covered his lips, and he was sleepy enough to yawn twice in a row, almost with a vague sleepy cavity: "then you took a bath, right?" "

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