Chapter 25

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I struggled as I sat at my desk, rolling my pen from back and forth.

I was on the Crown Prince's side now, but I had no intention of helping him unconditionally in the future. And I increasingly had no desire to spend my time in hostile relations with others for the sake of the Crown Prince.

I especially didn't want to get even worse with the second Prince who might inherit the throne. If possible, I would like to spend my time in peace without making enemies, but things didn't go my way.

In the struggle for the throne, there are only winners and losers. The forces that supported the winner would enjoy a lot of glory together, while the forces that supported the loser were in great danger of being purged.

I planned to build a friendship in advance for that time, but I had no idea what the Second Prince was like. While I had to pay attention to both the Crown Prince and Claire, I had a headache as the problem continued to grow.

I sat at my desk and pondered for a while, when someone knocked on my door.

"Miss, there's a man from the Hermes, what should we do?"

The servant's voice coming from through the door troubled me for a moment before I answered.

"Tell him to come in."

"Yes, Miss."

The servant walked off to deliver my words.

Not long after the servant's footsteps faded into the distance, more signs of movement came from beyond the door.

Eventually, I heard the knocking once more, and when I gave the permission to come in, several people came inside. Aside from the man in the expensive suit, the others seemed to be his attendants.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Noah."

The man who introduced himself as "Noah" greeted me and offered me a bouquet of flowers. Instantly, the room was filled with the scent of flowers, and it was like a spring day had arrived.

I stared at the people standing behind him with a slightly reluctant look on my face. All three men were carrying fancy boxes. Were those the items I ordered? It looked plausible, but it was probably empty inside. I soon realized that my guess was wrong, though, because what I had bought was information, not objects.

"Let's talk inside."

Once seated, Annie quickly poured me a cup of tea. Steam rose from the scarlet teacup with golden roses engraved on it.

"The Princess is a little different from what I heard."

I paused for a moment, but then quickly raised the edge of my lips and replied."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"It's a compliment. From what I've heard, you have a lively and bold personality, but in person you seem calm and perceptive."

Noah was a handsome looking young man, who was about 20 years old. Good appearance and well dressed. While I was drinking tea with Noah, his men carefully put down the boxes they had brought to the side.

It seemed somewhat strange to me, the way they handled the empty boxes.

They didn't have to act inside the room. Didn't they even know what they're carrying is empty boxes?

Perhaps sensing my gaze, Noah stopped the conversation and motioned for them to bring the boxes to him.

"Our boss has prepared this gift as a favor to you, so please don't refuse it."

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